Workout Wednesday

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You stepped out of the Honda Civic as Carter held the door open for you. "Gaston has prepared some snacks for you in case you were hungry. They're in the kitchen," Carter told you, closing the door, "You can take some whenever you like, well, if you're feeling better."

"Don't worry, I'm fine." You adjusted your backpack to be more steady on your shoulders.

"Alright, just wanted to make sure," Carter said, before going off to park his car in the garage.

Smiling, you walked up the steps and opened one of the front doors and walked inside, letting the door close behind you. Sure, maybe their spaghetti was a little bad, You thought to yourself, But it wasn't poisonous... probably.

Papyrus' and Cut's spaghetti was pretty much like Blueberry's tacos, but in pasta form. Luckily, you were able to get a bite of each and not immediately spit it out. And, luckily, before you could say your verdict, they got distracted by something some of the other skeletons were doing. You weren't sure what, since you were still focusing on keeping down the spaghetti, but you silently thanked whatever it was.

After the spaghetti, you didn't feel like eating anything else, and went to bed without dinner. You also barely ate anything for breakfast. Now you were starving. So your first stop was definitely going to be the kitchen.

You walked into the kitchen to see the weirdest sight you've seen all day. Slim was just drinking from a bottle of hot sauce. You already knew that Sans drank ketchup, but hot sauce was a different matter. Apparently, you must have been staring at him for an extended amount of time, because he saw you were there and smirked.

"See something you like, sweetheart~?" He asked, turning his head to face you.

"Nope," You responded, snapping back to reality and walking towards the counter where some warm pastries were placed. After a quick second of looking them over, you grabbed one with glaze and bit into it, savoring the sweet taste.

While trying to get down a glass to pour yourself some milk, since it was the perfect beverage to go with pastries, you felt a presence come up from behind you. You could see a bony arm stretch up and grab a glass, bringing it down to where you could grab it. Turning around, you could see Slim standing uncomfortably close to you, but instead of mentioning it, you begrudgingly grabbed the glass, muttering a small "thanks". After attaining the cup, you went over the fridge, grabbed the milk jug, and poured yourself a big glass of the delicious liquid.

Once done, and after putting away the jug, you took another bite of the glazed pastry.

You didn't notice Slim coming over next to you until he placed a hand on the counter and leaned over.

"Is there something you want or-"

You were cut off by Slim, who suddenly grabbed your chin and turned it to face him. Before you knew what was going on, you felt a warm, wet tongue go up your cheek, right next to the edge of your mouth.

Your grip on your glazed pastry weakened and it dropped to the floor as you just tried to process what happened. "WHAT WAS THAT FOR?!" You screamed, surprised and startled, quickly stepping back and looking up at him.

"There were some crumbs on your face, so I decided to take care of it," He told you. He smirked and glanced over at you. "You know, you're just as sweet as you look~"

That was just about it for you. Feeling frustrated, you hastily grabbed some paper towels and began shakily wiped where he licked you, muttering "ew" to yourself over and over.

Before he could do anything else, you threw away the paper towels and grabbed your glass of milk, along with a new pastry, this one jelly filled. You practically stormed out of the kitchen, only slightly glancing back to see Slim opening up another bottle of hot sauce. What you didn't see was what happened once you left.

"Maybe that was too forward...?" Slim muttered to himself before sighing and taking a huge gulp of hot sauce. He didn't feel so great after making you angry, and felt heavy when he saw how you wiped off your face, looking absolutely disgusted at what he did. Like you were disgusted of him. After quickly finishing off the bottle, he slammed it down on the counter. He decided to try and find his brother, to help keep his mind off what just happened.


"Are you sure you can handle that?" You asked Blueberry while you watched him put a couple of heavy weights onto a weighed bar.

"Of course! I'm in training for the Royal Guard!" Blueberry proudly told you, putting a safety latch onto each side of the bar. "Alphys would've never started personally training me if she didn't think I couldn't handle it!"

You were currently in one of the exercise rooms with Blueberry and Papyrus. They had said something about just because they are away from home, it isn't an excuse to be lazy. Even though you didn't feel like exercising, since you already had a P.E. class at school, Papyrus and Blueberry wouldn't have any of it, and pretty much dragged you with them.

While Blueberry was doing squats with the weighted bar, which impressed you since he added about fifty pounds to the already forty-five pound thing and was doing it pretty fast, and Papyrus was on the treadmill, going at a speed which seemed nearly impossible for a human to do, you decided to do some chin-ups. Although they were tough for you, you had a band to assist you with the task.

Standing on a stool, you placed a foot up on the band, and pushed it down. It resisted at first, but eventually you were able to get both feet on the band and started to do chin-ups. The band made it a lot easier, and you were able to get your chin up above the bar with it's help. After doing the exercise for a few minutes, you decided to stop. This was the toughest part, getting out of the band without getting a leg caught. You were able to get the first one out with no trouble, and set it behind you on the stool. The other one resisted your movement to get off, the underlying fear of getting caught making it stay down on the band.

Ignoring the fear for a split second, you pulled your leg up quickly and pulled it out before the band could catch it, but your sudden movement had instead caused the stool to tip backwards. You quickly shut your eyes for the impact.

It never came.

You opened one of your eyes to see Papyrus' head above you. You opened both of your eyes and looked around to see that he caught you.

"Are you alright, human?" He asked, a look of worry present on his face. Blueberry was at your side, having the same look on his face.

"Don't worry, I'm fine," You assured them, "Thanks for catching me, Papyrus."

"It's the least I could do for my new friend," Papyrus said, setting you down. "I'm just glad you're alright."

"If you want, you can stop training early," Blueberry told you.

"Yeah, I think I should," You agreed, smiling. You took a look around the room before realizing something. "Hey, where are your brothers? I haven't seen them all day."

They both groaned at the mention of their brothers.


"My brother is probably doing the same thing his brother is!" Blueberry complained. "He never liked training either..."

You nodded and walked over to the door. "Alright, well, I'll try to find them," You told them, opening the door, "Have fun training!"

Walking out, you closed the door, seeing them continue to exercise before it closed. You stood in the hall, facing away from the door, with one thing in mind. Find Sans and Stretch.

A Skele-Ton of Problems (Papyrus/Sans AUS x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now