Chapter 3

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When they were halfway to the village he saw a group of foot soldiers approaching.  A few medics rushed from the crowd and took the captain to the village while the rest of the foot soldiers went to sweep the area.  Jason sighed and walked back to the village but before he entered his path was barred by one of the commanders appointed by the head guard.  “Halt!” she exclaimed.  “State your business or be gone! “  She yelled.  “This is where I live!”  Jason exclaimed.  “Can you prove it?” she asked.  “Ask anyone in town!  I’ve lived here all 16 years of my life!” Jason growled.  “Isn’t it obvious?  I see you constantly!”  “  FINE!  But if anybody so much as catches a cold I’m going to come get you, and I’m going to hang you in front of the whole village and have you declared an outcast!  She snapped.

               As he laid in his bunk, Jason stared out the open window shutter at the waning moon.  “What’s up with the assassins outside of town suddenly?  There has never been any problems around here except for lone thieves’ and giant rats and scorpions.” when his mind started to slow down from the days crazy happenings, he began to take in the moon and the stars true beauty.  He remembered hearing about how when the power was on, the light would drown out the stars and the planets.  It sounded like a horrible way to live.  He knew that when he felt stressed the stars and the moon were always there to sooth his emotions.

               About a week after the incident outside the village, Jason had stopped traveling outside the walls and started focusing more on his physical shape.  It scared him how easily the assassin caught up to him and took him down. He also had not heard much about the head of the Guard.  He had learned however that the man’s name was Felipe and that he was the best sword fighter in the whole southern kingdom.  So it made him wonder how the assassin beat him so easily.  The more he thought about it the more obvious that it was that the assassin used some sort of substance on the blade to disable Felipe somehow.

               The next day Jason woke up with a soreness he never knew existed.  “I pulled muscles I didn’t even know I had.” the thought to himself.  After a few moments he realized it was still dark outside.  Curiously he pushed open one of the shudders and as soon as he did a blinding arc of lightning flashed overhead, followed instantly by an earth shattering boom.  Not expecting this Jason leapt several feet backwards.  “Great.”  He mumbled to himself.  “It’s bad enough that storms like this are big and large, but the school house has a leaky roof.” groaning he started to prepare for school.  When he approached the school he noticed a familiar figure standing in the doorway of the building drenched from the pouring rain.  “Felipe!” he exclaimed.  Sprinting to the building Jason’s heart began to race as questions began to swell up in his mind.  When he finally reached the stairs he began stammering and spitting out question after question with not a seconds rest.  “Child!  Calm yourself!  You’re more hyped up than a thief in the King’s treasury.”  Felipe claimed, exasperated.  “One question at a time!” still stuttering Jason manages to ask “how did the assassin manage to hurt you so badly?”  Felipe winced at the mention of his recent injuries.  “The assassin’s blade was coated in a poison that is made to cause excruciating pain to the wounded, and speaking of which, one of the soldiers found the blade of the assassin you killed and brought you back the blade of the very assassin you killed.” stunned Jason’s mouth fell open as Felipe pulled a sword off his back and handed it to him.  “Wait, I can have this at school!” exclaimed Jason.  “Not my problem kid, just meet me at the gates at high noon.”  Said Felipe as he turned to walk away.  As he started off he turned his head and looked back to say “and the poison has been washed off so there is no need to fear any cut causing any severe injuries.”  Jason then rushed over to the lone tree and placed the sword in one of the leafiest branches where it couldn’t be seen.  Then then he rushed into the leaking building

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