Chapter 2

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  Quickly grabbing a couple of large rocks from a nearby pile He hoisted one over his head in preparation to throw it at whatever came out of the bush, it wasn’t a sword, knife, or bow but a large rock could still get him the necessary time he needed to escape and get inside the walls.  Suddenly he heard several bushes shake violently as his assailants leapt from the bushes, bandits!  he threw his first rock at the one blocking his path to the town, after it sailed past the targets head he threw another at the same one while he was trying to recover and conk, he crumpled to the ground and two of the other three assassins rushed to his comrade’s side and Jason sprinted away, dropping the other rocks.  Looking behind him Jason saw the third bandit, who was catching up with him with a cocky smirk on his face, taking long easy strides towards him

               He felt his foot slam into a thick sturdy object, which got ripped out of the ground on impact, and sent him sprawling into the dirt.  Light headed he glanced up to see the assassin looming over him.  With a sharp shink, he heard him pull out his sword, a deadly 3 foot blade of purified steel.  Panicking, Jason fumbled around for what he tripped on seconds earlier.  He found it but he was too slow.  He watched in terror as the gleaming blade swung downwards in a smooth graceful arch towards his head. Suddenly there was a sharp clang, one so loud it left a ringing sound in his ears.  Looking back to the blade he noticed that a second blade, this one made of silver, had intercepted the bandit’s blade just before it hit Jason.  He recognized the newcomer as the head of the guard.  Scrambling up as the two fought each other with forceful strikes and deceitful feints Jason realized he still had the object in his hand.  looking at it, it just seemed like a rusty piece of garbage, but the closer he looked he soon realized it was an old rusted sword from one of the thieves the archers must have shot a long time ago.

               Feeling excited and angry at the same time Jason turned around and sprinted back to help the guard that had saved his life.  When he got there his heart stopped as he saw the guard on one knee and is sword several feet away.  Suddenly Jason’s vision went red, he threw the blade with startling accuracy, straight into the bandit’s chest.  With a look of utter shock, disbelief, and agony.  The bandit slowly fell to one knee and fell backwards where he died.  Sprinting forward he noticed that the guard was injured in many places with deep cuts and bruises.  Second he noticed that the sword he threw to the bandit had broken in half.  Deeply disappointed he helped the guard up and collected his sword and left towards the village.

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