Chapter Two: How Broken She Is

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Wow, Ava is absolutely beautiful. And I love her edginess, her style is very much her own and that's sexy. I mean who wants an average every day girl? That would be boring. What happened to her was horrible, and I can see it in her eyes and the way she moves how broken she is. Wouldn't it be amazing if I was the one that fixed her? Hold her when she cried, take all of her pain away and be the one she wanted. Id like to think so.



I wake up a little while later, and my whole body aches. I dont even want to get up out of bed, but somehow my legs touch the floor and walk across the room to my closet. I just throw on the nearsest thing which are some spandex shorts and a big tank top. I go to my phone and see I have a text from Mrs. Carter.

-Hey Ava honey, just checking up on you. Things have been hard without Jax being here. Im sure its very hard for you too. Jax really loved you. Anyways if you ever need anything we are all here for you. Love you my dear.

Seeing that makes my heart break into even more pieces. As much as I miss Jax, I cant imagine what it would be like to lose a child. Ill have to visit them pretty soon, I do miss them.

I walk out into the living room and everyone is there.

"Hey Ava, how are you?" Harry says coming over and putting his arm around me.

"Im fine." I say walking from the gesture.

I sit on the couch next to Zayn I think and hes watching t.v. All of the sudden the tv goes to the news channel.


Still investigating the horrible tragedy that happened two months ago to the son of Jaxson Carter Senior. For those that have not heard Jax and his girlfriend Ava Bostwick were....

I dont stick around to hear anymore of it, and I saw that Zayn changed the channel immediately but it did no good. I ran out of the living room and into the bathroom. I locked the door behind me and sat down in the corner of the room. I start to breathe really heavy and feel sick to my stomach. Then I hear a knock at the door.

"Ava, are you alright?" I hear Nialls voice from the door.

I collect myself and answer the door.

"Yes, im fine." I say pushing my hair back and moving past him.

He smelled amazing and being around him puts me on edge. I go back out into the living room and I can see Zayn feels really bad. I dont want him to be like that at my expense.

"Ava, im so sorry." Zayn says coming over to me.

"Oh its okay. Im bound to hear about it at some point right?" I say forcing a smile onto my face.

He pulls me into a hug, and im not quite sure if I should hug him back. I decide to, to make him feel better.

"So whos hungry, and that wasnt towards you Niall because you always are." Harry says to everyone.

"Im not, its fine." I say sitting at the table.

"Ah ah ah, your brother told me about you not eating. You are going to eat while you are here." Harry says to me like im a child.

Thanks Brad.

"Not eating? What kind of blasphemy is that??" Niall says a shocked look on his face.

"Ill stay here with you, while those blokes go and get something to eat." Harry says smiling at me.

"EXCUSE YOU?" Louis says pretending to be offended.

"Oh get over it mate." Harry says.

"Cmon guys lets goooooo." Niall says grabbing the car keys.

The rest of them leave so its now just Harry and I in the house.

I sit on the couch, not quite sure what to say. Im so awkward now.

"Um, so how do you know my brother?" I ask kind of quietly.

"Oh wow, that story." He says sitting down next to me.

"Well we all were attempting to go to a meeting about our next album and the fans became crazy. The security lost control of the situation and we all started running from the crazy ass girls. We were all off in different directions and I was running past an alley and all of the sudden I felt someone grab me and pull me to the side. I thought for sure if I wasnt killed by the fans, that whoever had just grabbed me was going to kill me. This guy was big too, and scary. The mohawk, tattoos, but he dressed so nice it threw me off a bit."


Harry: "Whoa I dont want any trouble."

Brad: Haha niether do I. That was a close one huh.

Harry: Yea, you probably are wondering who I am and why those girls were chasing me.

Brad: No im very aware who you are Harry Styles of One Direction.

Harry: Oh

Brad: Haha im very involved with whats going on in my city.

Harry: Well um, thats always good.

Brad: Well im Skull, if you ever need anything let me know.


"And anyways he gave me a business card and ever since then we have been friends." Harry says finishing his story.

"Well thats awesome. If Brad is friends with you, he must really trust you. Hes very selective. Jax was the only guy that was involved in my life that he liked. But anyways." I say.

Just then door opens and the guys are all carrying in food. They all sit down at the table and I join them to eat. I dont eat very much and after awhile Harry just gave up on trying to get me to eat everything. It was not happening. I just have no interest in anything anymore. I hope that stops soon, I dont feel right inside, if that makes any sense.

When I Look At You ****IN EDITING****Where stories live. Discover now