Chapter Four: His Smile

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The next day I still feel really bad about how I was with Niall. I decide to go apologize to him, its the least I could do.I go out to the living room and he inst there. I see Liam and Harry there and I'm sure they know.

"Hey guys, anyone know where Niall is?" I ask.

"Yea, hes in his room." they tell me.

"Okay thanks." I say heading to Nialls room. I'm not sure which one is his, so I just guess and I guess right.

"Come in." he says from behind the door.

I walk in and he is playing his guitar, he sees me and puts it down beside his bed.

"Hey Ava, everything alright?" he asks.

"Um yea, mind if I sit here?" I say pointing next to him.

"Oh yea of course!" He says scooting over.

"Um...hey Niall, I'm sorry for how I acted yesterday. It wasn't right."

"Oh Ava, its my fault I probably shouldn't of brought it up. It hasn't been that long since that happened." he says.

"But still, you were just trying to be friendly."


"So um, what are you doing?" I ask trying to change the subject.

"Oh just playing my guitar, its what I always do. Im a loser haha."

"Oh yea, you, a teenage heartthrob from the most famous band in the entire world. Such a loser." I say sarcastically.

"Haha, I dont think of it that way. I really am just like everyone else." he says sincerely.

"Well, thats good you are humble. Nothing worse than a star that lets everything go to his head. Jax was really famous but he didn't-" I begin to say but stop.

"No go on, continue. Id love to hear about Jax." he says smiling at me.

"Are you sure? Im sure it can get boring." I say.

"No, and it will probably help you feel better. Im always here to listen." he says scooting closer.

Wow, he really is something. Unlike anyone ive ever met.

I begin telling him about Jax, and one of my favorite memories comes to mind.

"I was in the grocery store with Brad, just picking up a few things for the house. I go to turn around and run right into someone." I begin telling Niall.


"Oh im so sorry!" I say picking up what I had dropped.

"No no its my fault." a very obvious American voice says.

Then we made eye contact. It was like the world had stopped when I looked into his beautiful brown eyes.

"Um hi" I say out of breath..

"Oh Hi, I'm Jax, Jax Carter." He says holding out his hand.

"I'm Ava." I say shaking his hand.

"So um what are you doing here?" he asks.


"Oh wow, what a question. He must have been so nervous. I can see why." Niall says to me. I look at him and smile. I quickly go back to telling my story.


"Getting groceries." I laugh.

"Oh yea, I suppose, in a grocery store yes." he says realizing his question was ridiculous.

"But, im also needing to get some braces over in the clothing section. Want to come with me?" I say inviting him along.

"Um, dont you have to go to the dentist to get braces?" he asks clearly confused.


Just then Niall bursts out laughing. "Oh that's too good. You can really tell he was American."

His smile is so beautiful, he himself is just mesmerizing.


"Haha, you are not from around here are you?" I ask as we begin walking towards the clothing section.

"No, I just moved here with my family from LA." he says embarrassed.

"Don't worry about it. Everyone makes mistakes. Its quite different over here in London."

"You have been to New York?" He says pointing to my shirt. I was wearing a maroon New York Girl shirt with skinny jeans and converse.

"Yea a couple times. And I didn't know anything either so again dont feel too bad." I say picking up a pair of braces.

"See these are braces or in other words suspenders." I say showing him the item.

"Ohhhhhhh haha. Neat." He says smiling at me.


"And then Brad came there and being the overprotective brother he was rushed me out of there. Buuuut not before we exchanged numbers." I say laughing at the memory.

"Well that was very nice. Id love to hear more sometime." He says putting his hand on mine.

I'm startled by his touch, and I move my hand away.

"Well thank you for letting me talk." I say standing up. I lean in and hug him and instantly my cheeks turn red. Why does he do that to me? Have this affect on me? I'm not sure if I like it.

When I Look At You ****IN EDITING****Where stories live. Discover now