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It has been months since the incident with Noire. Most people think it's just a distant memory but I remember it like my middle name. But Noire recovered quickly from it. She accepted the truth and we are now close friends. Very close. During the time, I recently moved to Planeptune in the basilicom with Neptune. After Nepgear’s death, Neptune has been lonely well besides Histy. I thought it would shorten the travel between nations and I don't have to pay rent. I was playing the new game console that I bought for the basilicom. Histoire broke the last one because Neptune ignored her once again. Neptune should’ve listened to her.

Neptune: “(Y/N)! Where are you?”

(Y/N): “Right here, Neptune.”

Neptune: “We’re going to go see Plutia today. It’s been awhile since we saw her.”

(Y/N): “Yeah. The last time I saw Plutia, she nearly scarred me for life.”

I begin to shiver as the flashbacks of Plutia’s punishment repeats in my head. The pain, the pain. Neptune placed a hand on my shoulder, waking me up from my daydream.

Neptune: “You’re having the flashbacks too?”

(Y/N): “You’ve been tortured too?”

Neptune: “Yep. And let me tell you, it was terrifying. I never knew Plutia would be so….dominatrix like.”

Neptune and I both begin to shiver at the thought of Plutia’s HDD form and evil smile.

(Author: “It’s always the quiet ones.”)

Time skip

Neptune and I were traveling to Plutia’s basilicom by air. I was dangling from the air as Neptune held both of my hands. I was afraid of heights. I tried to look ahead but sometimes I had a habit of looking down.

Purple Heart: “Don't look down. It will only make it worse.”

(Y/N): “It’s hard not to look down.”

Purple Heart: “Then look at me then.”

I looked up at Neptune. She was more focused on what’s infront of her than looking at me. I looked deep into her ocean blue eyes as she blinks, causing her delicate eyelashs to touch skin and ‘float’ back into the air. Her skin was like a soft thick fabric that cant be untouched. One direct touch can send someone to a land of love where that same feeling can be felt around them like a blanket. And don’t forget her voice. Heavenly and mature, music to my ears with an angel’s tone. I zoned out, completely blocking any interruptions from what was forming in my mind. The image was a lovely sunset on the beach, with me wearing a casual shirt and shorts. I was walking onto the currents of the sea until I saw Neptune, in HDD, wearing nothing but a fabric like dress as it blows into the wind. We get closer and closer until we were inches away from each other’s lips.

(Y/N): “Neptune.”

That was what I said before moving her bangs to the side and pressing my lips against hers. The kiss was beyond passionate. I felt my whole body heat up with her body heat. I wish it can stay like this forever.

Purple Heart: “(Y/N)....(Y/N),(Y/N)?”

I immediately woke up from my daydream to see Neptune. We have already arrived the basilicom.

Purple Heart: “You’ve been daydreaming for awhile. What exactly were you daydreaming about?”

(Y/N): “N-Nothing. Nothing at all.”

Purple Heart: “Are you sure? I could’ve sworn that you said my name for a minute there.”

(Y/N): “You’re hearing things.”

Neptune knew I was lying so she didn’t let it go. She was going to find out one way or another. We were walking towards Plutia’s living room. I was hiding behind Neptune the whole time just in case she gets mad again. Neptune looked back at me and smiled.

Neptune: “(Y/N), you cant hide behind me forever.”

(Y/N): “I know.”

Neptune: “Plus if Plutie is angry, I need you to hide behind.”

Neptune knocked on Plutia’s door and Plutia answered within minutes.

Plutia: “Heeeeeey Neppy.”

Plutia looks behind Neptune to look at me.

Plutia: “Is that (Y/N) hiding behind your back, Neppy?

Neptune: Yeah. You kinda scared her last time we came.”

Plutia: “Oh. Soooorrry (Y/N).”

(Y/N): “It’s okay.”

Time skip

And like that both Neptune and Plutia were sleep. I, on the other hand, was looking around the room to find something to do. Why does she have to sleep at a time like this? There nothing around here to do. All I found was food, plushies and some…. weird magazines that Plutia had. I’m pretty sure that they were Sadie’s magazines because I dont see sweet innocent Plutia reading such exotic magazines.

I finally gave up my search and sat down in a chair nearby the couch. I decided to go to sleep, hoping to pass the time.

Neptune’s POV

I woke up after my long nap with Plutie. I looked out the window to see that it was nighttime. Oh, shoot! It’s night. (Y/N) and I were supposed to be home by now. I transformed into my goddess form and was ready to leave.

Purple Heart: “(Y/N), we’re going home.”

I looked to see (Y/N) was sleep in a chair. She was curled up almost into a ball with her hands under her head. She’s so cute when she sleeps. I didn’t wake her up so I carried her all the way home and put her into my bed, sleeping alongside her.

Darker than Purple Yandere!NeptuneXFemale!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now