To The Battle We Go

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 Approaching the scene on the other side of the table, she saw Dean on the floor something in his eyes she never saw before, a sense of fear perhaps, but also dignity. Always dignity. She valued that about him. He was more proper but also more snobbish than Shay. However, he took things manlier and was more realistic.

 Helping him up, she tried not to think about the alarm ringing in her head. Who's to guarantee this guy won't stab them both right away? Seeing that Dean is okay, she turned around and forced herself not to wince when looking into those eyes, more importantly the weapon in his hands. Gulping, the girl hoped her fright isn't too transparent as she tried to speak. „Listen man. I'm sorry. They.. They're sorry. They shouldn't have come here and threaten you like that.." Forcing her fingernails deep in the palms of her balled fists to calm, Kristi searched his face for signs of remorse, mercy or even pity but the only thing she managed to catch was the raw hunger in his eyes as they ran across her face and swallowed her features.

 Before her throat could dry out, she rushed on. "This was silly and stupid and won't happen again, ok? We'll give you plenty of space to make yourself comfortable. Nobody blames you because you were cornered without reason. And..And.." From the corner of the eye, she spotted that Dean completely disappeared into the circle of the people which made her both glad and queasy. Her eyes found wild boy's face, realizing that his pose changed completely from the fighting one to seemingly relaxed one. 

He had a scar right above his lip, and he looked ten years his senior, too serious, grumpy and reserved. However, for the first time, she caught a glimpse of a feeling other than fear. She felt his vulnerability. Dejection. And realized her words were the ones of honest apology. Pushed to the mercy of hundreds of judging insecure kids, he wasn't even allowed to adapt before he was attacked . A warrior of some sort, he fought back. Something no other dared to do. Her courage rose to this occasion. „I guess what I wanted to say is.. Welcome. Welcome to Galway." She managed through a thin smile. Seconds ticked by like hours but what others couldn't see, and she'll always swear it happened - one corner of his mouth vaguely turned up. People around her didn't breath, she as well had to remember to do so but as the he flipped the knife, stuffed it back in the pocket and passed her by - she heard him say „I'm sorry." And then he walked away. Her legs went weak and she didn't have to be brave anymore. Eve tended her boyfriend on the other side, wide eyed and obliging, as did the rest of crowd. Whispers became loud discussions, everyone had their own perception and remark for the scene.

 William, who recorded most of the exchange via Iphone, approached Kristi with a wide smile. „Whooa, what was that? Let me tell you. That was on fire! On fire, girl." He winked at her, as she plopped on the floor. „Never thought you had it in you Kristi! You're officially like a local high school hero! Like a badass queen against big bad wolf! Woof." But she didn't share his enthusiasm rather found it pathetic for some reason. She scanned the area for Shay, but he was nowhere to be seen. Seeing through her William hardly contained his thrill. „He went inside to find a professor or the Principal. I'm going after him. What a turnout of the day! So exciting. Bye queen." Turning on a heel of his retro shoes, he disappeared. Unwinding of the events in such dramatic course tickled his fancy, Kristi figured. Seldom were the days when William shown any sort of emotion other than gloat when acing tests or/and listening to some cheap gossip. Somebody handed her a bottle of water and she drained it. The rest of the afternoon was a blur.

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