Chapter 79: "Ambushed"

Start from the beginning

"Now, I heard you. Let her in. I authorized her entry," Professor R.K. replied, before adding quickly, "She's quite reliable, Mrs. Coles. Not a threat to the lab, I assure you,"

The lab attendant looked like she wanted to grab a stool and aim at the Professor who was struggling to keep a straight face. Instead, she huffed and nodded. Her eyes shifted to Salma standing outside the molecular side room. Her scowl deepened and she opened her mouth to shout at her, probably for coming out of the molecular chamber with a glove on and contaminating the main lab with dangerous carcinogens. Professor R.K. cleared his throat, pausing her lecture before it could start

"Thank you, Mrs. Coles," He smiled at her pleasantly, letting her know she was dismissed.

Her dark eyes flitted between the two, as she debated whether to listen to the professor or go through with her lecture of lab safety. Finally, she decided on the former as she stepped away to let in a sweet faced girl. She had an olive skin and straight bob hair that was dyed a rosy shade of pink. The girl looked around shyly – probably getting intimidated by the lab attendant who called her a 'nuisance' – before her eyes landed on the two and started walking towards them. She wore a knee length dress and cow boy boots.

The lab attendant annoyed voice floated inside as the door swung close behind the newcomer.

"No! We aren't done yet!" She shouted at someone.

Probably Zayn.

"Hi, I'm Martha Tills," The girl smiled, her hazel eyes lightening up.

"Miss Tills," Professor R.K. nodded in acknowledge, while Salma shook her glove free hand.

Salma excused herself and pushed into the side room to remove her gear while Professor R.K. talked to Martha. Martha looked at Salma in confusion when she returned with her face still covered. R.K. took his leave and Salma was left to get acquainted with the new girl. The two girls talked for quite a bit. Salma showed her around after giving her a quick briefing of what she was expected to do. Martha, in return showed her samples of what she could do.

Although, Salma liked her, Matha was a sweet girl and had quite the talent, she could not help but notice how mediocre her graphics were compared to Zayn's. Scolding herself for even comparing a nice human being to a complete beast, Salma tried to focus on what the girl was saying.

"I'm in my freshman year, so I obviously have a long way to go," She shrugged, "But I like animals and I thought, why not?"

While the two girls talked, Salma felt her skin crawl all of a sudden. She sat up straight, feeling her chest congest uncomfortably. Long before she heard his light footsteps approaching, Salma knew the lab attendant had decided to let Zayn lose like some demon from hell itself.

Clenching her teeth together, she tried to busy herself with the specimens in the box in front of her, refusing to turn around or acknowledge his existence, for as long as she could. Martha looked up, her eyes zeroing on Zayn behind her.

"Damn!" She breathed out, "Is that your lab partner?!"

Irritation coursed through Salma's body hearing the awe in her tone.

"And he's from my department, you say?" Martha muttered, stilling ogling behind her.

Salma felt her hand gripping the pen tightly as Zayn approached them. She knew she was just a second away from stabbing Zayn with the pen and Marth's complete fascination with him was not making it any easier.

"Hi ladies,"

Martha looked dazed, while Salma was too consumed by her own discomfort to bother.

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