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After hundreds of years of laid back work due to th time's technology, many people forgot how to survive without it. in 2622, the technology so many people relied on for daily survival, broke down and collapsed on itself. Every major powerhouse in the world exploded with such force that anyone within a mile to two miles died instantly from the power of the shock. Whatever happened, it created such devastating affects on the population that people went into panick and the social structure collapsed. Governments colapsed and security and law enforcement became irrelevant as masses of thieves, gangs, and the simply twisted people rose up from the shadows that hid them for so long, and rebelled. many hundred years after the initial chaos, society began to reform and small villages and towns formed once more. Though this peace lasted many years, the thieves and gangs continued to terrorize the innocent and forced them to build walls and other protective measures around their towns if possible. many could not though, in such cases the people would either flea to the protection of nearby towns or be killed. Guns and ammunition became to expensive as materials became scarce and hard to find so people reverted back to the old weapons such as swords, bows and arrows, and crossbows. as the chaotic people continued their rampage, they became more organized and appeared in larger groups. It was clear that someone needed to rise to the occasion and lead the people to victory in destroying the person responsible for the attacks. However, anybody who dared stand against the chaos lasted no longer than a lone footsoldier surrounded by enemy knights.

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