Decision: Leave on foot

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Louis hesitates for just a couple of seconds looking towards the building where the motorcycle rests; frowning, he continues walking on his way towards the gate.

When the majestic gate of almost four meters in height opens, the verdant expanse of Menstrie, a beautiful Scottish forest, comes into view. The family and their servants moved to that country as a matter of security and business seventeen years ago, when Louis was a little boy. Since then, the Versetti family had fallen on hard times, and Paolo and his son Louis are the only two family members left.

The mansion was built away from the town. The location of the forest is quite peculiar, as it lays wedged between the township and the 'Ochil Hills', so it's not hard to spot foxes, deer, and rabbits, or to come across the occasional legend. Many call it 'Dark Forest'.

Louis crosses the gate with firm and steady step, he does not falter, he does not even look back to see, for one last time, all the memories he is leaving behind. Only the forest stands between Louis and his new life.

After walking for an hour, he stops for a while to gaze at the forest, which, although huge and imposing, is also tranquil, and as far as Louis knows, is also very safe. It is very little traveled and so holds little hope of meeting someone who could take him. He takes a deep breath, buttons his jacket all the way up to his neck and continues with his walk. He keeps walking, determined not to go back and already making plans for his future.

He is a lover of good wine, maybe he can work in wine production, as during all those years in Scotland he has become a connoisseur in that subject. Maybe he can build cars, as he is also passionate about automotive engineering. A thousand ideas enter his head.

The night comes down rather suddenly, and there is still a four-hour walk ahead of him to reach the nearest town, it would be better to find shelter and continue on his way in the morning. He enters a few meters into the forest; and as he needs to rest and sleep a little, he sits on the ground next to a rock and leans against it to try and get some sleep.

Before falling asleep, he hears a strange noise, it sounds like footsteps; there's someone else in the forest.

─Who's there?─ asks Louis, rather nervously.

He sees a black-haired woman rushing into the forest, just a few meters away from him...

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