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Challenge: Longing
» Amelia remembers how her father taught her to survive, and hopes for a better future. 


Sometimes, late at night when her guard was down and the campfire was low, Amelia thought of rushing rivers and jagged mountains that pierced the sky. Father had often taken her into the woods, and she would clutch a gun so tight her knuckles turned white. She could still remember his steady warning each time they had hunted game to survive: "This isn't a toy, Mimi. Respect it, and it will respect you."

It had been just them too. Mother had died when she was young— all she could remember of her was a smile, though, occasionally, she thought that she might be imagining even that. Sometimes, she thought of a family that was whole and unbroken; where father hadn't been taken from her when she'd needed him the most and mother had never gotten that illness which had eventually taken her life.

Other times, she would think of a future where Ambrose was gone. Tori wasn't treated like an attack dog by the Rebellion, Draco wasn't tormented by the ghosts of his past, Crab was happy, and Athena was ... well, Athena was Athena. She'd never been able to figure the faerie out.

And yes, she knew that was an impossible dream as well but she didn't care. If it was what kept her alive and gave her the will to continue fighting, then she will pretend that it was a plausible reality.

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