Chapter 37

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I order a coffee and some chips to hopefully boost my energy and will fill me up for most of the day. I really have no where to go now, if I get fount, I will be tested, scanned, hooked to machine's for the rest of th pregnancy, and the babies life. I know it isn't Timelord anymore, but what if it is, the Doctor told me that he had a human version of himself in another dimension, the one with Rose. So if that happened, maybe the baby doesn't have two hearts, but is indeed, very intelligent like his father.

The chips come eventually, brought to the table by the under dressed waitress that took my order a while ago. They taste alright for a greasy corner café, I munch away at them, as I decide it's best if I start my new phone up, to see if I can contact anyone. The phone buzzes as soon as I turn it on, showing a blank screen. No contacts or anything just yet. I add the most important people first; Jack, the Doctor, Ianto and Gwen. Forgetting about my mum for now, knowing she's no help to the situation.

I call Jack first, hopefully no one is with him that can track sim cards or phone numbers. It rings twice before he picks up.

"Hey, Jack speaking?" He answers.

"It's Hannah..." I whisper, making sure no one can hear me, here and there.

"Where are you, I'm not with them, I ran when I saw them on CCTV, I just needed it to not look suspicious?" He tells me.

"I'm in a café, in London? I think it's called Smiths? Just outside the centre? Where are you? Have you got a car?" I ask him, before the line goes dead. He's gone.

I sit there silently just in case he was fount out, or he was lying about him being alone, until my phone goes starts to bleep, alerting the waitress, a elderly male and myself of the call.

"Sorry... Hello?" I say picking up the phone, forgetting to check who called.

"Blank spot, sorry, I have a car, its stranded. They fount me, and now I'm walking, and I'm in London, just like you, because Rex told me the plans. I stare out of the large window into the distance.

"We need to meet up, which part of London? And how did they find you?" I curiously ask.

"I was traveling to your mum's, didn't Rex tell you I was coming? I was going to help you instead, and I noticed the trucks, and before I knew it, I was in followed, but I shot their truck's wheels..." He finishes with a long pause. Until I notice a familiar blue jacket in a very familiar handsome man staring at me. Jack. I jump up knocking the table slightly forward, and running out the door towards him. I couldn't care less about the waitress shouting behind me, all I needed was someone I knew. "I saw the café, and I knew it was you!" He says in my ear as we stand here hugging.

"I can't believe it..." I let out a sigh. "Will I be on the run for life now?"

"Most likely, unless you hand yourself in..." He lets go, a concern look washes over his face. "But now, you need to go back in there and pay that woman..." He smirks.

"Whatever" I playfully hit him, smiling like a dork, I walk away from him and back inside the café, leaving the change on the counter. "Sorry, a friend I haven't seen in a while..." I smile at the furious young girl stood with her arms crossed.

"Don't worry, at least you came back?" Her smile so fake that even the most dumbest people would notice. I just walk away, ignoring the comment, back to Jack who is waiting outside impatiently.

"Ready? We need to go somewhere, but I have that in the bag, all we need to do it hide and keep out of trouble?" He smiles offering my arm to take to walk down the street.

"What if I hand myself in?" I completely ignore him, more worried about the baby and my future.

"Well, you could go straight into full scans, tests and stuff, or you just wait until you give birth to reveal the truth of a Timelord baby, which the Doctor said cannot happen, and they will keep the baby for their uses, it's best to stay away from any kind of force, U.N.I.T or CIA, anything! For us?" He explains, bribing me not to make the wrong decision.

"Oh, I wouldn't anyway...What do they need a baby for anyway? There's nothing you can do..." I wonder, what could they do with us for years? We wouldn't exist in the real world anymore, just two people in a cell locked away for having a child.

"Everything, they can bribe every alien or monster they have to defeat with it or even a country, as a peace offering, giving Timelord powers to them for energy or fuel. Its dangerous for both of you either way, and it's best if the baby stays with you and us?" He explains again.

"What, they seriously can't do that! My baby is human! How did they find out about everything?" I ask, how could anyone do this.

"Hacking into our system? Also the Doctors daughter, Jenny, she could of told anyone, word got around, and as she is connected to the Doctor and probably the TARDIS, anything could of happened?" We end up walking up the Thames just talking about everything and anything, this is why I love Jack, you can talk to him about anything.

"Where are we going?" I finally ask, as soon as we walk down some steps closer to the water edge.

"Well, you know London was a base for Torchwood, why have a skyscraper, when we have underground tunnels, just like Cardiff" He jumps down the last step, holding his hand so I can balance a bit better.

"You did this? Bloody hell it smells!" I groan to the bitter smell of gone off water.

"Trust me it's better inside!" He chuckles, opening a stone wall, and walking down some stairs, under the stars and water, was a huge room, full of computers, equipment, some Alien tech and software. 

"Wow" Is all I can say to the giant room in front of my eyes, a huge window looking out to the water of the Thames, as it sparkles off onto the walls, and glows the room up, the walls grey, with patterned tiles scattered across the walls, and a 'Torchwood' sign just like the one in Cardiff.

"I know right, I built it after the Canary Wharf crap, it just seemed to big for Torchwood!" He stares at his own amazing creation. "Let's get started! I'm going to set up a Subwave network, thanks to the brilliant Harriet Jones, and we can interact with Ianto without them knowing, I hope!" He turns on the computers.

-Hey, here is your *double update* for the brilliant hard work you have put in to get me to 3.k reads! I never thought this fanfic would be as good as it might be... So, not it's the big news, I have been wondering about this for some time, I'm going to be writing a sequel and it's going to be called 'Run Someday' it's basically going to carry on from this one. I will start writing this around maybe the 50th Chapter, it depends how the story goes! Thanks again! Hope you enjoy reading this, and are excited for the next book! -Hannah x


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