The Movies

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As she sat down the teacher asked "Anyone else?" and there was no answer. My friend Damien passed on a note to me and the others who sat around me saying "Damn nice."

Later on In the day when all the lectures had ended my group of friends and I went out to hang at Subway to eat fresh. We talked about Angelina for over a hour and left back to our houses after that.

About a hour later when I got home I sorted all of the mail into a stack of mail inside my garage. Suddenly I got a text from Damien saying wanna go the new Ed Sheeran concert next weekend with the rest of our class? I replied saying " Yea sure why not?"

I put my phone away and took a shower and after my shower I made myself some dessert and hopped onto my phone to have a look at our class group chat where Damien asked who wanted to go.

No reply. The there were no replies apart from 2 people : George and I.
I switched off my phone and leaped on to my bed only to fall into a deep slumber.

I wake up the next morning alarm clocks ringing bringing memories back to my head when my friends got shot and he was nearly dead. My face was red , I rushed to get myself ready , my body felt heavy even so I jumped into my bike and cycled to the movies where I waited for the rest of my friends to arrive

After everyone arrived we walked inside and saw Angelina and some of the other girls in our class. The movie we were watching was " The fault in our stars." As we walked to our row ignoring the fact that they were there at the cinema. Only to realise we were in the same row as the 4 girls.

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