Chapter 18: Mrs. Radhika Arjun

Start from the beginning

When the function is over and the media people are allowed to ask their queries, one reporter stood up and asked him the very old question about Radhika and her interference in his life. Her being his wife has got a lot of advantages to Vikas's media house. Arjun patiently listened to the whole question and prepared the ground for his answer. All the people should know that Radhika is not at all the binding link between Vikas and him. True, she is the catalyst for their friendship but the progress of their relationship has happened because of their mutual interests.

'Let me make clear once and for all that Radhika's name should never be taken as a curse from now on. She is not the one who asked me to attend this inaugural. She is not the one who forced me to attend any of the functions I attended till now. Do you guys think I am that nitwit to let my wife take these decisions? No, I don't think so because I take my own decisions and am older enough to take MY decisions. Of course, she helps me if I am confused. It is only to show the way, not to walk that path. I'm saying this again do not try to muddle in my personal matters especially my wife's matters because the consequences will not be good.' Said Arjun and gave a signal to Pawan to stop this drama of personal inquiry in the name of the professional interview.

Radhika who came there not as his wife but another reporter from the sea of media houses was amazed to see the love he has for her. Only she understood the underlying threat in his statement. If the people are clever enough, they will not ask any personal questions again. But the reporter who did this to her husband will have to be taught a lesson. She gave her microphone to another backup reporter who came with her in order to substitute if she was called upon the stage and made her way to another place of the orphanage where she knew her work will be done precisely.

When the swarm of reporters was leaving the place, a boy dashed the reporter who asked the questions earlier. First, it was nothing but a rush from the small boy to reach his destination. Later it seems to turn out a playground where the reporter's body is made heaven for three frogs. The reporter sat still as a rock until the owner of these creatures has come to his rescue. By the time, the boy came to his rescue; all the media house reporters captured the ever-so-beautiful view of the reporter with a frog on his head, one at his feet and one on his lap. It is one thing to be caught receiving a bribe, but to sit still when the amphibians are taking the tour of his body and him not able to move because of his fear of them must have done a great damage to his reputation. The boy ever so carefully took all the frogs and put them in a bucket of water but unfortunately, the whole bucket of water is spilled causing the trousers of the reporter to get wet and he sat in the puddle of water. If he thought he was saved from embarrassment then he is wrong. Because now, he has to walk with wet trousers, grass sticking in them. Why of all days this has to happen when he was trying to set a date with his girlfriend. Now he has to turn around and go to his house for dress change. Even then he is not sure he will be able to make it.

Arjun who heard this spectacle and saw the footage in the CCTV recording room, was on the floor laughing when he saw the innocent look of the boy who is collecting his frogs. He is not as innocent as he is portraying now. But when he spilled the water and was apologizing profusely to the reporter, Arjun's laughter was doubled and he had tears in his eyes. And his wife is having a gala time watching the show live by standing behind the boy and acting as if she is the queen of the innocents land.

Vikas called the security to clear the mess as soon as they can and summoned Radhika with the boy to the receiving room of the orphanage. He barely contained his amusement when he was issuing orders and was floor when he entered the receiving room with the boy and Radhika. Still, Radhika and the boy are unfazed and stood everything happened is not their fault at all. Vikas should give her that; she did train the boy well in terms of acting.

When Arjun made his way to the receiving room his eyes were filled with tears and he was unable to stand when he saw the boy with an innocent look on his face. God! He is such a cutie. He made his way to the boy and lifted him on his shoulders. God! Why is he making her fall for him more and more? She was amazed to see how Arjun was bouncing the boy up and down in the air, tickling him and laughing all the while.

'So, chote dramebaaz, your teacher taught you the acting very well. I have a doubt.' Said Arjun looking at Radhika who is standing on the other end hiding her ever expressive eyes from him.

'What?' the boy asked.

'Why do you have a frog as your pet?'

'Oh that, that is very simple to answer.'

'Is it?'

'Of course, you know Harry Potter series?'


'Did you read it or you just know that there is a series of Harry Potter?'

'I did read the series, hero.'

'Okay then, you should have known about Neville Longbottom.' On Arjun's nod, he continued, 'He has a frog as his pet. Radhika said I look like Neville, so I thought I could get a frog as my pet. I liked their company, so I got three of them.' Finished the boy.

'I have another doubt.'

'You said you have only one doubt earlier. I answered you that. Now it is my playtime. I have to go. My teachers said "All work and no play make Jack a dull boy", so I will go play.' Said the boy and ran from the room not before kissing Arjun, Radhika and Vikas on their cheeks.


Sorry, for this short chapter. From next chapter on, we will see the past of Arjun and Radhika in sliding doors fashion. That means parallel to the current track, past will be shown. Then you can understand the relationship the trio Arjun, Radhika and Pawan shared.

Keep your votes and comments coming in. I'll definitely update next chapter as soon as I can, am busy lately, that is making me go stark mad.

Love you all and thank you so much for the love you have given for the story.

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