Chapter 6: The First Night[EDITED]

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Juvia's POV
Juvia helped Gray-sama to the door of his apartment, trying to balance him up as he unlocked the door.

Juvia would need to assist Gray-sama for a week before he would be almost fully healed and wouldn't need any assistance anymore, so both Juvia and Gray-sama decided on the walk to Gray-sama's that Juvia would just live in his apartment for the week.

Juvia helped Gray-sama sit down on his couch and when he had gotten settled Juvia turned on the TV lacrima. She handed Gray-sama the remote for the lacrima and then went into the foyer.

Juvia looked around the open area and then went back to Gray-sama, ready to settle in.
"Gray-sama, where is the guest bedroom?" Juvia asked, sticking her head into the living area.

Without looking, Gray-sama pointed down the long hallway across from the living room.
"Down that hallway and on the left across from the white door on the right." Gray-sama explained.

Juvia nodded to herself and then walked to the front door. She opened the door and saw the ocean blue bag sitting on the stoop. Juvia luckily had called Levy-san earlier and she graciously packed a bag for Juvia. Levy-san had told Juvia that she dropped it off at Gray-sama's apartment, and surely enough Juvia saw it in front of the door as she helped Gray-sama into his apartment.

Juvia grabbed her bag and then latched the front door lock closed. She began to walk down the hallway Gray-sama pointed to earlier and sure enough Juvia found the door Gray-sama told her about.

Juvia grabbed the handle and turned it, opening the door to reveal a neat room.
The walls were a dark blue color and the floor was covered in fuzzy grey carpets. There was a queen bed against the wall and two white night stands next to each side of the bed. The bed was covered in dark blue sheets and there were two grey and blue pillows on the bed. The headboard of the bed was made of wood and a small fan hung still above the bed.
A closet was across from the bed and on the closet door was a full body mirror. There was a window on the wall Juvia was facing and next to the window was a white desk with a mirror and a small white stool. And finally there was a dresser on the wall behind Juvia. It was white and had a mirror on it as well.

As Juvia took in her surroundings, she dropped her bag and unzipped it. She opened the top dresser drawer and began to unpack her things when something on top of the dresser caught her eye.
On one side of the top of the dresser was a small box and on the other side was a picture. The picture was of the whole guild, Juvia actually thinks it was taken recently.
Sunlight from the window was bouncing off the picture frame and Juvia smiled at her guildmates.

Then she looked at the box. The box was small and white, and Juvia was tempted to open it.
'No Juvia! That belongs to Gray-Sama, don't snoop in his personal items." Juvia scolded herself, shaking her head as she continued to unpack.


After Juvia finished unpacking she went back to Gray-sama's living room. As she rounded the corner inside, she saw that Gray-sama's body was sprawled all over the couch and he was snoring.

Juvia smiled and walked over, turning off the TV lacrima.
Juvia looked down at Gray-sama and couldn't help but smile.
'Gray-sama looks very cute when he's sleeping.' Juvia thought with a smile, but there was a small voice in the back of her head screaming at her to move away. But she ignored it.

Juvia leaned down a little more, but was startled when Gray-sama shivered.

Juvia stood back up, tilting her head.
'That's odd, Gray-sama usually isn't affected by the cold. He is an ice wizard after all.' Juvia pondered.

Gray-sama shivered again and Juvia frowned, turning and walking back down the hall she came from.
She walked down to her room, but instead of entering her door she went right and opened the door across from her's.

As Juvia opened the door, she came face to face with Gray-sama's room.
Juvia walked inside and took in her surroundings. Gray-sama's room was similar looking to Juvia's, but also very different.
The walls were grey and the carpets were blue. The bed was covered in grey sheets with two black pillows.
On the other side of the room Juvia saw that there was a closet full of clothes, which Juvia giggled at. 'That's ironic for someone like Gray-sama.' Juvia thought.
She looked to her left and studied the room more. Gray-sama's window was larger and the room was bigger than Juvia's. The dresser and desk were wooden and on the dresser, which was next to Juvia, there was a shiny object with a sticky note next to it.

Curiosity washed over Juvia and she couldn't help herself, so she picked up the object.
In her hand, Juvia looked down at a necklace. It was rain drop made out of ice.
Juvia gawked at how amazing the details were on the little raindrop, and she quickly but carefully placed it back into the wooden dresser.

Then Juvia noticed the bright yellow sticky note, and she snuck a peak at it.

"Give to Juvia?" Juvia read aloud, her voice laced with confusion.
Juvia stared for a minute, feeling very curious.
'Wait' Juvia thought, feeling the realization hit her in the face like a snowball.

Juvia blushed and let out a small squeal, shutting her eyes. She covered them with her hands and shook her head rapidly, panic settling itself in her chest.

"Juvia didn't see anything!" She exclaimed to herself, peaking her eye open to look around the room.

Juvia was breathing heavily, her eyes avoiding the dresser when something else caught her eye.
On Gray-sama's night stand, Juvia saw a picture frame. She couldn't see the picture clearly, but she could make out a bright blue color.

Curious, Juvia stood and walked up to the nightstand. She reached down and grabbed the picture frame, blushing as she looked at the picture.

The picture was of Juvia and Gray-sama on their first ever mission together. Juvia remembers that because they did so well, Gray-sama treated Juvia to ice cream. Juvia had insisted on taking a picture to remember the moment, and she remembers that Gray-sama was very shy about it.
In the photos, Juvia and Gray-sama were holding their icecream and Juvia was smiling really wide while Gray-sama was looking away with a small hint of a smile on his face.

Juvia smiled at the memory and put the frame back down, her heart feeling like it was going to explode.

Suddenly, Juvia remembered why she was in Gray-sama's room in the first place and she blushed. She looked around quickly and noticed a stack of blankets on the top of Gray-sama's closet.

Juvia scurried over and picked up the first blanket on top, a fuzzy blue one, then she ran back to the living room.

To Juvia's relief, Gray-sama was still asleep on the couch.

Juvia sighed and let the tension in her shoulders drop, walking up to Gray-sama. Juvia looked down at him and felt herself smiling again.
Juvia unfolded the blanket and laid it over him. As the fuzzy blanket hit his skin, Juvia saw that Gray-sama stopped shivering.

Gray-sama groaned in satisfaction and smiled, which Juvia thought made him look even cuter.

Juvia looked up at the clock on the kitchen wall. It read 5:30 o'clock. Juvia nodded and hummed to herself, putting her hands together and rubbing them.
"Ok! Now Juvia will prepare dinner!" She exclaimed, walking into the kitchen as Gray-sama snored peacefully on the couch.

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