After that night at the Gala, Ada had expressed her concerns as well as discomfort about being around my mother. The mere thought that the woman had the audacity to belittle my wife filled me with rage. She didn't have the high moral authority to pass any judgement, nor was she in any position to do so, baring in mind her own track record. It didn't take a lot to figure out that she didn't like my Ada. Which didn't bother me in the least because Ada was everything my mother was not. Sweet, kind, nurturing, considerate, compassionate and complex, and that's just to name a few. Ada was keen on staying away from mother, long before we were even expecting, and generally I'd say she probably has that effect on people. That's why, for more reasons than one, I didn't like that Krysta and Ada both had to face that woman without me.

Krysta inhaled deeply, wiping the tears that sprung from her bloodshot eyes. It was clear that she was making a conscious effort to calm herself. Something I would've otherwise been able to do, if I hadn't caused her tantrum in the first place. Damn! As of late, I couldn't seem to do anything right. Her eyes were fiery as they bore into mine, and though she had every reason to be angry, I knew well enough to read the underlying issue. She was terrified for Ada, her sister-in-law. Krysta had grown quite attached to her, being that she was the only tangible mother-like figure she knew on a personal level, but it was more than that. They become close friends, so the thought of losing Ada was unbearable. It had been no shock that they'd hit it off considering the familiar terrain. They had both endured great heartships that brought them closer together. They grew to love and confide in one another, perhaps even where I was concerned. Now all at once, the very foundation with which she had been acquainted, shook with an unquenchable fury.

"We should steer our focus to Ada. Gosh," Krysta eyes were glossy with unshed tears again. She stood there crying into her hands and I was powerless to comfort her. I hated this. Ignoring the tension, I made my way to her wrapping her in my arms. She didn't resist. Instead, she circled her arms around my waist, holding on to keep her balance. "She deserves our undivided attention."

"Krys I'm so sorry you had to witness that." I spoke into the crown of her head, placing a kiss there.

"Nikki ... this is not your fault either." She looked up at me with remorseful eyes. My sister was too darn mature for her own good. The mere fact that she knew that I'd beat down on myself, revealed to me the remnants of our past.

"Thanks sis," I offered, though unconvinced and she picked up on it.

"Nikki ... I mean it." Krysta reassured me. Though she was battling her own demons, she stepped in to help me face mine. Yet she thought I would let her face hers alone. I'm her big brother, her guardian. If not for that very reason, what purpose did I have on the earth?

"I want a full run-down from the second you ran into our mother leading up to the ..." For the life of me I couldn't get the words out. As though somehow if I said it, I would never be able to touch her again. "Round up the others, I'll meet you in the kitchen in ten minutes."

I'm not sure I could handle what I'm certain would be a difficult story to tell but I knew if it would help to get my wife back then I had to. If Ada were here at the moment, she'd tell me not to give up. So I won't. There would be no stone left unturned.


The hour was late. A sixteen horal mental countdown had ensued. I was a tired frazzled mess. A king without a queen. An Alpha without a Luna. The Sun without the Moon. To make matters worse that one call that would determine our fates had proved futile. The one call I was certain would tip the scale. Fixated on the hebetudinous white ceiling, my thoughts strayed to unpleasant scenarios that wreaked havoc on my mind. I'd been in bed more than a few hours now, but for the life of me, slumber never came. Instead, it left me to suffer the horrendous events of the night over and over again, on loop. To wonder about my once and future queen in her darkest hour. About the terrible ordeal she would endure. Whether she would be steadfast in her fate, or wither away in her grief.

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