7-People are Poison

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People are poison.
Is what he told me,his tone harsh,and mean.He didn't mean it.The look in his eyes,gave it away.

As I looked down at him,he looked up at me.His dark circles even darker than when we first met.

He was in need of sleep,and I,was in need of answers.

"Uh,Morning."Louis said,breaking the silence,and getting my attention.

"Morning..?"I sat down,on my bed,looking at his eyes.His ocean blue eyes.His sky blue eyes.

"Are you hungry?"He asked,softly,as I nodded.
"Alright,I'll be back with your food."He was halfway out the door when I interupted,"Wait,I'm eating in here?"

He turned to look at me,"Well,duh.Where else?"
"A place meant for eating,not crazy people like y-"I bit my tounge to keep myself from saying anything.

"Like what?"He crossed his arms.
I shook my head,"Nevermind."
He glared at me,"Control your attitude,and maybe then you'll be able to eat somewhere nice."

"Anywhere but here,is nice."I muttered,"And I don't have an attitude,that's just my personality."

A Small laugh came from the other side of the door.Niall's.
Judging by the look in Louis's eyes,he was upset,but mostly tired.As much as he wouldn't admit it,it was obviously true.

"Go to your room."Louis instructed.
Niall frowned,and being the disobedient child he was,he stepped inside my room,walking towards me.He looked around,and whispered,"The time."

"Now,Niall."Louis watched,"Don't make me get the doctor.Did you forget to take your medicine?"

Niall went pale.Something about the word Medicine freaked him out.

I looked at their expressions.I began to worry.

Louis took a step forward and placed a hand on Niall's shoulder.Niall tensed.

"Let's go.Harry needs some alone time."
I shook my head,"What,no! I don't,I want to talk to Niall!"

"Don't take the medicine!"Niall yelled at me,but Louis dragged him out of my room,and closed the door.

I banged on the door,"Niall?! Louis! Niall,answer!"

I sat beside the door,holding my knees.I didn't want to lose my only friend.

"Why...why did you do that..."I whispered softly.I wasn't sure if I was talking to myself,or him.The door opened slightly.

He responded with,"People are poison."

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