5-No sleep.

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No sleep.

The boy pointed to a door.I slowly walked over and assumed it was my room.For now,at least.

I looked inside.Nothing but a small bed,with white sheets.
The color of the wall was somewhat gray,mostly white,and had a few holes on the ceiling.
I wanted to ask for a different room,but the boy had left.

I sighed,and sat down on the bed.Which made a squeaking sound,causing me to jump.

Soft laughter was barely heard.
I looked around,and held my knees to my chest,when I couldn't find anyone.

Was I already losing it,I asked myself.

"Don't be scared."A voice whispered.

"Who's there..."I questioned,trying to stop trembling.

"Just me."A blonde boy walked over,and waved,"At least I think,it's just me...I'm not sure."He shrugged.

Before I could ask what he meant,I figured I'd ask for his name first."What's your name?"

"I'm Niall."The blonde haired boy answered,sitting on the edge of my bed.

"I'm Harry,"I responded,"What was funny?"

Niall just shrugged,"I over heard your conversation with Louis."

"Oh,that's his name."I thought out loud.

Perfect,I thought,smiling to myself.It sounded light and sweet.But his personality earlier wasn't.

"So,uh,is he a--"
"He's a doctor."
"Shocking,I know."Niall smiled,"Although he isn't completely sane.Heck,I don't know if he is sane at all."

"What's wrong with him?"
"What isn't wrong with him."Niall laughed lightly,"He's a

I nodded,and listened.That explained,his tired eyes and rude tone.

"Well,I should go."Niall sighed lightly.I frowned,"Why? You don't HAVE to.."I insisted,but Niall just shook his head.
"Doctor's orders."He said,and left.

Once he closed the door,the room was almost completely dark.
No wonder he can't sleep.I doubt I will.

I laid down,and looked at the ceiling,filled with small holes.
I wanted to close my eyes,but just kept staring.They looked like eyes,staring down at me.The more I looked,the more dark it got.I was suffocating,in the darkness.It swallowed me.Paralyzed me.

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