Tow the party

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{16 weeks later}

''Guys!! come on, we have your Grandpa's birthday party in 20 mins!!'' Chandler yells up the stairs

The twins run down the stairs, Jack is wearing a suite and Erica is wearing a skater dress that shows a slight baby bump

Erica fixes her dark brown hair in the mirror at the bottom of the stairs and they head to Jack and Judys

{At the party}

Monica, Chandler and the twins head up the path and knock on the door

Jack and Judy awnser

''Happy Birthday Grandpa'' the twins chorus

Jack laughs ''Hey guys'' he hugs the twins

''Hey Grandma'' Erica hugs Judy

''Hey sweetie!! Gosh look how big you're getting!!'' Judy smiles, Jack and Judy were surprisingly understanding about the whole thing.

Erica laughs ''I know yeah! I find out what i'm having next week''

''Aw how brilliant, Harry is in the lounge if you wanna go speak to him'' Judy smiles

''Okay, i'll catch up with you later'' Erica goes into the lounge

''Hey Beautiful'' Harry says standing up

''Hey'' Erica smiles back at him

''How are you two?'' Harry asks placing his hands around her waist

''Were fine, how are you ?'' Erica smiles, she throws her arms around his shoulders

''Even better now you got here'' Harry smirks

Erica giggles and leans in slowly to kiss him

Harry closes the space in between them and kisses her softly ''I love you''

''I love you more'' Erica replies ''Hey, yano, i have a doctors appointment next week, we can find out if we're having a girl or a boy if you want to come with ?'' Erica asks, running her fingers though his hair

''I wouldn't miss it for the world'' Harry says

''Good'' Erica kisses him again passionately

''Put that tongue back in your own mouth, Harry'' a woman behind them says

Erica turns around confused and Harry rolls his eyes

''Hey Mom, Hi Grandpa'' Harry sighs

''So, i'm guessing this is Erica?'' Richard asks

''Yeah, Grandpa, Mom, this is Erica, Erica, this is my Grandpa Richard, My Mom Michelle and my Baby sister Heidi'' Harry introduces them

''Lovely to meet you'' Erica smiles ''Oh my gosh, Heidi is the cutest little girl i've ever seen in my life'' Erica says, admiring the little 9 month old baby in Michelle's arms

Michelle giggles ''Yeah, she sure is, so, how far along are you, Erica?''

''16 weeks, i have an appointment next week to see what i'm having'' Erica explains

''Ooo, what do you want ?'' Michelle asks

''I don't know, i don't think it really matters to me'' Erica sighs, looking down and rubbing her baby bump

''Hey, sweetie, look at me'' Michelle says tucking Erica's hair behind her ear ''Listen, It doesn't matter if you're keeping this baby or not, you're allowed to think about things about if it will be a girl or boy or if they will have your eyes and Harry's nose, it's natural'' she smiles at Erica

''i know, i just think people are disappointed because i'm going to be bringing a baby into the world and putting them straight in the care system'' Erica explains

''Nobody is disappointed in you, Erica, and if anyone gives you and grief what's so ever you can always come and tell me and i'll put them in their place, okay?'' Michelle tells Erica

Erica smiles and nods ''thank you, Ms Burke''

''Oh please, Call me Michelle'' Michelle giggles and hugs Erica

{About an hour later}

''Hey, Have you seen erica ?'' Harry asks Phoebe

''Last time i saw her she was with your Baby sister, Heidi'' Phoebe shakes her head

''Okay, thanks'' Harry says leaving the kitchen and turning to go in the living room, he looks in and can't help but smile at the sight in front of him

Erica is stood at the window holding Heidi and showing her all the things outside, she's so good with her

Harry waves the others in ''Look at this''

Monica, Chandler, Phoebe, Rachel, Ross, Joey, Jack and Richard all look through the door and smile

''God, she's a natural'' Rachel says

''and she's gonna be a Mom'' Phoebe smiles

''That's my girl'' Monica whispers

Erica turns around with Heidi and sees everyone at the door ''And here we have a wild pack of adults who are really really nosey'' she chuckles

Heidi smiles and giggles

Harry goes over and places his arms around Ericas waist from the back, he kisses her slightly on the neck ''you're amazing, you know that right ?''

''Mmmm'' Erica mutters, sinking into his embrace ''you've told me once or fifty times''

Harry chuckles ''only because i mean it'' he kisses her on the cheek ''just promise me something'' he whispers

''go on'' Erica says quietly

''Ive seen the way you act with Heidi and other babies, you certainly take after your Mom, just please, think about your decision'' Harry whispers

Erica stays silent for a moment before nodding ''Okay, i will, i promise''

(bad chapter but a bad chapter is better than no chapter, aye ?)

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