Tow Erica Gets Caught

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(Authors note: it's 14 years into the future so the twins are in high school and they are 14, they have a little sister called Natalie who's 5 (cliché for a mondler fanfic I know) Emma is 16 and in her final year of high school, she has a little sister called Amilia, she's 7, Ben is 24 and Phoebe and Mike have 2 little girls, Sophie who is 7 and Lillian who is 10. It also means the main 6 will be in their 40s going on 50s)

Her lips connected with his, it sent a sensation down her spine like no other, she breaks the kiss and smiles, just then they hear a smash from the other side of the yard, Erica looks over and her twin brother, Jack, stands stunned staring at his little sister kissing someone she should be staying far away from

''Oh my god'' jack says quietly

Erica panics ''Jack... please. Don't. Freak. out'' Erica begs

Jack breathes heavily ''IM TELLING MOM AND DAD'' he yells and makes a run for it

''UGH JAAAAAACK'' Erica screams as she jumps down from the wall she was sat on and starts chasing jack.

Erica chases jack all the way from their school in Brooklyn back to the apartment in Greenwich Village. Jack runs into the apartment and tries to get away with Erica, she follows him in and continues chasing him till Monica and phoebe hold her back and Jack hides behind Ross

''LET ME AT HIM'' Erica yells as she tries to get away from Monica and Phoebe

Chandler stands up from the table abruptly ''What the hell is going on ?!'' He asks concerned

''I saw Erica kissing a boy on the wall at the back of our school'' Jack yells

''Well you can talk! Jacks been around our whole grade!'' Erica replies

''Erica once dated a guy just so she could-'' jack starts

''I beg you to not finish that sentence'' Erica interrupts

''Jack once broke up with a girl because of the way she drank milk!'' Erica continues



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