Tow The family argument

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(Authors note: so okay, Harry Burke is Richard Burke, Monica's ex boyfriends, grandson, and Erica is seeing him, I just needed to clear that up bc some people got confused)

Erica puts her hands on her head and slowly sits down on the couch ''oh god''

Monica turned pale, she walks over to the back of the couch ''Erm, Erica, is this true?'' Monica asks trying not to freak out

Erica nods sheepishly ''I'm sorry Mom, but I really really like him'' she says staring at the floor

Chandler puts his hands through his hair ''Mon, can I speak to you a minute?'' Chandler asks concerned

Monica turns round to face her husband ''yeah'' she says as she walks over to the kitchen

Chandler sighs ''What do we do ?!'' He asks slightly annoyed

Monica raises her eyebrows ''ask her to not see him again, it's wrong what she's done and she knows better''

Chandler nods ''okay, yeah it's probably best''

Monica and Chandler walk back over to the couch and sit down on the coffee table in front of the twins, Monica looks at Erica, she hated this, she didn't want to tell her daughter that she could no longer see the guy she loved, but the relationship the two family's have with eacother would make their relationship rocky, it was for the best

Monica exhales deeply ''Erica, we want you to stop seeing Harry''

Erica springs to her feet ''What ?! Why ?!'' She asks annoyed

Chandler tries to calm her down ''look, it's not right, it won't work, we only want what's best for you''

Erica begins pacing ''No you want us to break up because Mom went out with Richard, well no! Because what I have with Harry is completely different to what Mom had with Richard!'' She rants

Monica becomes annoyed ''no it's not different! It's wrong and it's not. Gonna. Happen. You are to break up with him tomorrow in school and that will be the end of it'' Monica orders

Erica stands up again ''UGHHHH! THIS ISNT FAIR'' Erica screams and storms into her room and slams the door behind her

Joey stands up from the kitchen table ''let me speak to her,I'll sort her out'' he walks over and knocks on her door ''Erica, it's Joe, let me in''

''It's open'' Erica shouts

Joey walks in ''hey... I got knicks tickets and jumpers for this weekend'' he starts

Erica turns round and smiles ''Thanks Joey''

Joey sits down on the end of her bed ''I know this sucks, being told you can't see the person you love, but you know what your Mom is like and you know for sure that your Dad hates Richard, you would be growing up with In-laws that won't talk to each other, it may not seem like it now, but it's for the best'' Joey explains sympathetically

Erica sighs ''yeah it's cliché, it's what everyone says'' she smiles

Joey giggles ''I know, but anyway, Homecoming is tonight so you better get ready, Katie is gonna be here to meet you in an hour''

Erica sits up ''yeah you're right'' she high fives Joey ''thanks for being concerned about me'' she smiles

Joey high fives her back ''always''


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