Tow the fight

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(Authors note:So this may be mega long. But enjoy anyway, and at the end a secret is revealed. It's two weeks later and the only person who's knows about what happened the night of homecoming is Harry and Erica)

{two weeks later}

The bell rings, Erica stands up to leave her lesson, it's Wednesday and the week is dragging on.As she is heading out of school a girl comes over and taps her on the shoulder

''Word on the street is a lot more people fancy Harry than you do, they are gonna do anything to get him'' she whispers

Erica scoffs ''well they are gonna have to get through me first''

''What's that you're saying Erica'' someone shouts from behind

Erica turns round smirking ''Jasmine Newman, should have known you would have something to do with this'' she laughs

Jasmine Newman, a bleach blonde haired, with an IQ to match the stereotype, 5 foot 4 inches tall bitch, she hated Erica and Erica hated her, they had never had an ordeal or share their opinions for eacother before... until now

Jasmine smiles ''Well, I really don't see how Harry could want to be with someone like you'' she says looking Erica up and down

Erica shakes her head ''well I don't know either but hey! Surprise surprise! Here we are!''

''You think you're so amazing because all the boys fancy you and you have Harry but believe me, you're just another two faced whore who is waiting to suck the life out of every boy you date and throw his corpse into the pool of desperate girls who don't really stand a chance'' jasmine rants

''You must have dated a few of my ex's then'' Erica lashes back

''You absolute... BITCH'' Jasmine says throwing a book at Erica

Erica marches over and punches Jasmine square in the face

Jasmine recoils backwards but goes after Erica hurtling herself at her

A fight breaks out between the two girls and a large crowd gather. The girls continue fighting until the principle and jack, Erica's brother, push their way through the crowd and Jack manages to get his little sister off jasmine. He holds her back so she can't fight even though she tries to get away

''Erica! Calm down'' jack demands

The principle is raging ''stop this now! Jasmine go to Mr Wallaces office, and Erica! You're coming with me'' she demands as she takes the girls and jack inside

jack refuses to leave Erica side

Principle white dials a number on her phone ''Hey, Mrs Bing, we need you to come down to the school immediately to have a little chat, I'll explain when you get here'' the principle says as she ends the phone

''Oh shit, she's called mom'' Erica whispers to jack who isn't really paying attention

Monica and Chandler turn up about 20 mins later and walk in, the principle is waiting for them, they walks over ''oh my god, is Erica okay? Is jack okay?'' Monica asks panicky

The principle tries to calm them ''it's okay, so basically, Erica has been in a fight with another girl called jasmine on the yard at the end of lunch, jacks done nothing wrong he's just refusing to leave her side'' the principle explains as they walk

Monica rolls her eyes as they walk into the office and Erica is sat there with her head on jacks shoulder ''thank god you're okay but what the hell do you think you are doing getting into fights'' Monica asks annoyed

''We were so worried'' Chandler continues

Erica looks up ''it's the way she spoke to me I wasn't having it she called me a whore!'' Erica backs herself up

Monica sighs ''come on, you two, home now, we will talk when we get home'' they leave

{20 mins later}

Joey, phoebe, Emma, Ross and Rachel are all hanging out at the apartment. Monica, Chandler and Erica walk into the apartment screaming at each other while jack just walks in and hurries over to the couch to sit down

''THEN MAYBE YOU SHOULDN'T BE STICKING UP FOR THE GIRL WHO CALLED YOUR DAUGHTER A WHORE THEN'' Erica yells and storms off and slams her room door shut

Jack and Emma both follow her into her room ''what the hell was that about'' Emma asks

Erica is pacing ''I'm annoyed because I have just been in a fight and they are sticking up for the other girl who I hate and I'm trying my best to pluck up the courage to tell them something important and they won't listen'' she rants

Emma looks confused ''what's so big that you need to tell them'' she asks

Erica sighs ''fine but you can't tell them''

Emma and jack nod

Erica exhales deeply ''I'm pregnant...''


(Oooooo okay so that was the big reveal and I loved it! It was also kinda long. I wonder how everyone will react. Probably no chapter up tommrow seeing as it is Christmas eve but I'll be back Boxing Day! Have a merry Christmas y'all!)

First LoveDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora