Chapter 15 - The G-Word

Start from the beginning

“Good day, Dalek Sec,” I greeted Landon, who was eating while sitting at the counter, as I walk back in the kitchen.

Landon chuckled, his eyes filled with amused recognition. “Good day, Zygon.”

As I poured myself a cup of coffee, I realized Landon was holding on to my phone. I frowned. “What are you doing with that?”

I took a second too long for him to answer, “I texted Victor.”

And suddenly, I wasn’t in a cheery mood anymore. But I tried not to let it show. “Hmm, I’m not sure he’s into that kind of thing, but sure, why not.” I said over my cup.

“No Dani,” Landon got up, “I texted him and I told him you wanted to talk. He’s coming here in about two hours.”

I set down the cup on the counter. “What?”

“You two need to talk.”

I snorted. “No we don’t, we aren’t exclusive so I don’t need to tell him about us.”

Landon took a step forward, eyes fierce. “Not about us having sex Dani, about you and him and about getting serious.”

Oh, this was freaking unbelievable. I was all ready for the whole, “we need to tell him together what happened so we can move on and be happy without feeling like we did all of this behind his back” thing. I was certainly not ready to have Landon tell me I should be talking to Victor about our future. “What are you talking about?”

“You just slept with me because you want to convince yourself you don’t really want Victor, in the long run I mean. You’re scared. And that’s okay, but I don’t want to be dragged in the middle of a love story that’s not going to end well for me. I’m not your rebound or your get out of getting serious ticket. I’m your friend and I’m telling you, you need to deal with your shit and you need to talk with Victor.”

I could have slapped him. I seriously wanted to slap him for saying this. How could he even be saying this shit? “So what? What happened last night doesn’t matter to you?”

“It does, of course it does. You have no idea how much it matters,” and as he said this, I actually believed him, which was insane, “and it’s especially because it matters so much that I don’t want to go through this. My heart’s messed up Dani and in more than just the physical sense. I’ve already got my heart broken. And even if we haven't kown each other for years, I care about you. It’s because I care about you that I’m doing this.”

Again, I wanted to slap the idiot. “This is the lamest one night stand get out of the girl’s apartment explanation I’ve ever heard. Guys don’t usually call the girl’s not-even-boyfriends over you know?” Actually, slapping him wasn’t enough anymore. I wanted to throw my coffee at him.

And then probably bang him. But very violently.

“Danika, I’m not doing this because I want to leave. I’m doing this because I want to stay.” He pressed, but didn’t come closer. He must have seen how much he was shopping for a slap in the face at the moment. And he was going to get a reaaaal nice one at that.

“And telling Victor to come over will help you with that?” I snorted in disbelief.

This guy was something else. Seriously, what was up with me and finding the most ludicrous men?

“If you don’t deal with the whole Victor issue, then I’m never going to truly belong here, with you.”

“That’s bullshit!” For a second, I felt like I could cry. Like actual crying with tears and all that creepy snot stuff. I had no idea why. I didn’t really understand why I was taking this so hard. It wasn’t like I had never gone through the whole one night stand thing. And anyway, this wasn’t it, not exactly. I was being rejected because the guy thought it was the right thing for me. How freaking ridiculous was that? Seriously, penises were too much of a hassle. I should move on to vaginas.

“Is it?”

“Of course it is!” I pulled at my haystack hair. “If you want me, just say it and it’s done! You’ve got me.”

“But how much do I have? If I told you right now that I wanted you to be my girlfriend what would you say?”

It kind of took me by surprise. The g-word. I had never even been Victor’s girlfriend. I had never wanted to. “Kind of settling down quickly aren’t we, Mr Fancy Stripper?” I said, trying to divert from this. I wanted Landon. Wasn’t that enough for now?

“No we’re not and that’s exactly the point I’m trying to make. You need to deal with the men already in your life, before you add another one.”

I was about to scream in frustration. “You’re not making sense!”

“I’m making perfect sense!” he shot back. “You never let go of Neil and because of that you could never truly love another guy—Victor’s the perfect proof. If you never truly let go of Victor, then you certainly can’t ever love me. You need to deal with your shit Dani, and you need to figure out what you truly want. And if I’m not it, that’s okay…”

Okay, seriously, this was getting… I must have still been sleeping, this was probably it. Because this wasn’t making any freaking sense.

“Are you being serious right now?”

“I’ve never been more serious about anything else in my life,” Landon answered, deadpan. And then he just walked out of the room.

I ran after him. “Where are you going?”

“Home.” he answered, picking up his shirt from the floor in the entry, and putting it back on.

“Oh, right, run back to your mother’s house when things start to get serious.” I started yelling at him. This was what I had to resort to. If he was going to just leave me like this, I wasn’t going to let him go without hurting him as much as he was hurting me. Because he was hurting me. He was just giving up on whatever we were. And that hurt more than I could have imagined. “Go hide under mama’s skirt because you’re the one that’s not ready to settle down.”

Landon came right up to me, his nose almost touching mine. “Now, right now, tell me I’m what you want, tell me you want me and you want us.”

            “I…” I pushed him back a little, feeling like wrapping my arms around myself. “Let’s not get overly excited here…”

            And just like that, Landon shook his head, grabbed his pants from the floor and put them on. “Deal with your shit Danika. And call me if I fit into your plans.”

            “LANDON! Wait!” But he didn’t want. He just walked out the door, leaving me speechless.

            Yeah, it was official—I had ruined all of my relationships with men last night.




So, I just wanted to say a few words, I know I don’t normally annoy you on this story, but this won’t take too long.

First off, this chapter is dedicated to pufflings for winning my “Write Your Own Ending” Contest. Go check her stories out, you won’t be disappointed.

Also, as of March, I’m now going to be following an uploading schedule which goes like this:

Monday: Life in Paintings

Wednesday: One story in between, My Wish Upon A Star, The Headline, The Family Curse or The Eighth Time

Saturday: One story in between The Smirking Jerk, The Adventures of a Pumpkin and a Running Back Boy or The Spawns

So, now you know what to expect, uploading wise. :D

Also, I thought you guys might like to know that we’re about half way done with this story. So, there’s still a lot of stuff that can happen. 8D

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