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Solar Walkers: This species is very humanoid looking yet they are made out of pure sunlight but they can still be touched as they have a strange glass substance that stops the heat from hurting anyone. You can also directly look at them as it's very rare to have a yellow Solar Walker as most are either purple, blue or green. Colour for them is very special as it defines their social status with their government.

They live in Sunsaik

Cryostasis: This species is the only other species known by the Solar Walkers and they are currently in a war. A very vicious war at that. This species is said to look like Solar Walkers who have burnt out which is true as they have the glass like substance around them but they are just blue inside, hinting that they are made of frozen sunlight. Cryostasis only come in blue but the way they determine social status is by how cold they are -1000 being royalty and 0 being a peasant. Only other Cryostasis can feel their coldness.

They live in The South which is a place of eternal coldness

Limbo striders: This species is actually a very sad species as they are the species that feel the pain of others when they die, for example, if someone got shot in the head a single Limbo Strider will feel that pain. They are the species that have the natural ability to talk to the dead as they have a foothold on the physical world and the other side (Where all dead reside). They often have strange head shapes some being in the form of a top hat and others being a normal head. They also have the natural ability to turn human. Social status is determined by how much knowledge they know.

They live on the Other side but they also live in Reality

Humans: Ordinary humans. This species has long since evolved and changed since the 2000's. They now have artificial intelligence which operates all technology. They are fine. They have biotics and have medicines for everything like mental illnesses and broken legs. The 3d printer is now able to produce anything really. They are just ordinary humans. They don't have religion and aren't prejudice to anything.

They reside in Reality.

Myths: These can range from the legendary Dragon to the innocent pixie. These creatures are very naive and unaware of the world around them as they exist in a little patch in time space which shouldn't really exist but it's slowly closing and will eventually just pop. Everything inside will die and they won't even know it. They have no technology yet their magic is very advanced but not as advanced as Heirs.

They live in Fanti

Void Strollers: These creatures are often black in appearance and are considered aliens which they basically are. They are a very invasive species yet they can't reproduce they have to kidnap other species and turn them into a Void Stroller. They often have sharp claws or teeth and can often morph into different things. They are creatures of the mind.

They stroll the Void

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