"But what about Grace? Doesn't she deserve him fighting for her?" I questioned.

"She's the reason he stopped. She was the reason he was fighting back, but she picked up on the same thing I did. Grace knows who her father is, and he keeps nothing from her. She understands that for as long as he is who is, people will always have something to say. While she doesn't like being treated as an outsider, she'd rather take that than have her father fight a losing battle," he explained.

I looked back at Grace and was surprised to find her laughing with the boy and girl who were watching her before. She looked so happy then, and I realized that I respect her immensely. She may be a child, but she has a heart bigger than most adults.

I found myself respecting her father too. The more I learn about him from the people who know him best, the more intrigued I am. I'm not so much curious about what it is he did that turned people against him, but rather more curious about who he is as a person.

He sounds nothing short of amazing.

"I see your plan worked out," Fabio commented.

"I honestly wasn't sure if it would," I admitted.

"You made some good points though. Those two probably don't come from high society," he pointed out.

I sighed. "I would hope not. She'll be heartbroken if they turn out to be like all the others."

"And she'll rise from it like she always does. Trust that much," he said.

I nodded. "How long have you been working for Olivier?"

"Ten years now. Mr Black and I met in college but the college thing wasn't for me. He was only there for a few months because Grace was still a baby, and for whatever reason, he trusted me to look after her. I had no clue about babysitting, so he let me call my sister to help. She took care of Grace while I watched over them. There was an attempt on Grace's life, but I saved her and I've been watching over her since," he informed.

"Wow, so you've been there through it all huh?" I joked.

He laughed. "You don't even know the half of it."

I was about to say something when Grace came up to us with her new friends. "Rose, Fabio, these are my new friends Tate and Nina. Guys, this is my teacher and my bodyguard."

"It's lovely to meet you both," I told them, while Fabio sent them a nod.

"We know we just met her, but we were wondering if Grace could sleepover at my house for the weekend. We're crazy about sci-fi and we're having a sci-fi movie marathon. We'd really like it if she could join us," Nina requested.

Grace is obsessed with anything sci-fi.

"Please can I go?" Grace begged.

I laughed. "It's not up to me sweetheart."

She shot Fabio puppy dog eyes, and he sighed, taking out his phone. "You're going to be the death of me little girl."

"Do you think my dad will agree?" Grace asked me while Fabio spoke to him a few feet away from us.

"I can't say I know. He'll probably be worried about your safety," I replied.

"She'll be safe. We have security at my house," Nina informed.

"You do?" I asked, surprised.

She nodded. "We do."

"Is this a good idea?" I asked Grace.

"If you're talking about them being from high society, we've already spoken about that. I explained my situation to them," she informed.

"We don't really know what the story is with her dad, and we don't really care. My dad is business partners with hers and my dad doesn't do business with anyone he doesn't trust," Nina argued.

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