He pulled me closer for another short but intense kiss.

"Haven't you seen, I cannot love anybody but you." He gazed caressed my face in a lazy manner that made my cheeks heat up.

"Not really," I mumbled out with great difficulty.

He planted a kiss on my forehead his hands on my waist.

"I am helpless when it comes to you. I didn't care about rules and lives and mission or anything. Even if you were Fiona for a while I loved you. I couldn't love anybody else. I guess that's what true love means, an undying love."

"Fiona?" I glared at him, he called me the green Shrek Fiona.

"Of all the heartfelt words I said to you, you heard Fiona, typical Frozen behavior." He chuckled.

"Now what happens?" I asked for a moment feeling the dread.

"Now we complete the school." He stated calmly.

"What?" I almost snapped at his answer.

"Yes, Frozen. You are a top student and you need your Knightship."

"But everyone is dead scared of me, hate me and will probably curse me behind my back." I never felt nervous like this and I should not be since I was stronger than that.

"then it will be like old times."

And I realised Jayden was right. Earlier also I was feared and hated and gossiped about. I didn't give a shit about it. My only concern was of being lonely.

"And this time I will be with you." He said and the ring of promise in his words made me smile.


It was Jayden's idea to interlace our fingers and walk on the first day back at school. As much as I was in love it felt really weird doing the holding hands thing but nevertheless, his presence was assuring.

As for the other people, Blade was still the next King and my friend but we will never be same. The guilt inside him made it harder for me to break the barrier between us. Kasper is back to the none smiling serious warrior mode and he didn't choose to return to school. It was a miracle but Jayden allowed me to take lessons from him even though Jayden himself was a Knight Crusher and could have trained me better. His grandmother, on the other hand, seemed too joyful.

"I knew you wouldn't die but I had no idea how Jayden will save you." The sneaky woman was having fun and sent me cookies from time to time.

I was not totally nightmare free but I was improving.

Rose and Jaques kept sending gifts of apology but never dared show up their faces. I missed them terribly but a life of lie could not be easily forgotten, I was getting there.

And finally, the kids at school was as expected terrified of me. My curse was gone, shattered by the power of love but it will take time till everyone get used to it. I was back to normal looking girl minus the green skin and red eyes but the memory was disorienting for many.

Luca was gone, a teacher I respected and it was sad that he never actually stuck by my side on his own will. 

With everything good, there was one bad thing. Celine has joined the school for some reason and she looked at Jayden with lovey dovey eyes that made me green.

As we took our seat in the class, she walked to our table and smiled in a dazzling way.

"How are you Jayden?" She asked coyly as the question she has been asking for past two months since I rejoined.

"He is dying Celine and few months left. Haven't you seen the future yet?" I snapped unlike myself.

I was well practiced in hiding emotions but right then I was angry.

Celine, the naive girl she was looked totally shocked and distraught.

"She is kidding Celine. My girlfriend gets edgy on bad days." He said and I sucked in a sharp breath.

We never put labels on our relationship, I mean it was a freaking true love thing we didn't need to. But calling me his girlfriend in front of everyone and declaring that the smoldering hot Jayden Wallace was taken somehow meant a lot to me.

I felt myself grin like a fool.

Celine took the hint and give me a forced smile she walked away. She was too sweet for a bitch fight.

"I love you." I stated simply but each time I said those words Jayden looked at me with awe like it was a surprise someone could love him.

He recovered quickly and said, " I love me too."

"Class please settle down." The teacher walked in before I could smack his head.

But then again, I was lucky wasn't I. Teacher just gave us a chance.

"Let's have some basic martial arts training test." He announced and I grinned at Jayden.

"Don't look so excited Frozen, I know you love your hands on me." The way he said it sounded absolutely dirty.

"Well, I finally can have my hands on you." I sighed with relief as he gently brushed his fingers against mine.

I still felt conscious about it, still, my heart stopped and I felt a mini panic attack.

Before he could realise I flipped him over my shoulder grinning in victory.

He got up shaking his head in amusement and brushed his hands on the back jeans.

I will always be the cursed girl for Jayden, the blood of someone who destroyed his whole family and kept him to make him a killer. He will always be the soldier that came to me because my father ordered. But for him I will always be the one he gave life for and for me he will be my curse breaker, a guy who was capable of healing me inside and out.

After all, he did manage to do the unthinkable. Jayden Wallace did manage to love me enough to break the curse.



*wipes a tear drop subtly* It had to end....

I sincerely hope that this story made you happy, angry sad, excited all the same time. I hope you could fall in love or hate with the characters. I hope this story was worth your time. And I hope you like the epilogue since the story was intense and painful for our Annalise, I wanted the end to be sweet and simple.

Here comes the IMPORTANT PART:

When we hit the 100K mark, I will be updating one more final chapter of this book which hence marks the end of our CAN YOU era...

Between the comments I realised you guys wants to read Jayden's POV for last chapter.

So I am giving you three options:

1. Jayden's POV for the last chapter

2. A peep in Old Fairy's Mind

3. An Epilogue II with an older version of characters

Choose wisely and don't forget to ad NEW BOOK: LOST in your reading list.

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