Chapter 33- Scream

Start from the beginning

"Elaina I really don't think-" Serena was cut off by the unexpected entrance of a small contraption. It tumbled through the patched grass onto the dirt path we were currently occupying. I stumbled backwards in an attempt to avoid the strange device. It was cubic, that's for sure, springing awkwardly as it landed on each corner. I hardly had time to recognize the object before Serena had concluded what it was, it haunted her with memories.

"It's one of team Rocket's smoke bombs!" The honey blonde shrieked. However, the whole 'smoke bomb' part never registered with me, instead, I pondered over the name Team Rocket. It was distasteful, leaving a sour flavor on the tip of my tongue each time I uttered it. The kind of name that makes you cringe at a mere mention. Yes, I had heard this name before...of course! The bumbling imbeciles who attempted to steal Eevee and Pikachu! The trio who's air balloon I boarded, leaving me only with the new realization of my fear of heights and teasing from Ash and my brothers.

Team Rocket and I weren't on good terms.

But before anymore unkind words of wisdom could leave my witted mouth, the smoke bomb exploded, and I was again reminded of Serena's previous discovery. The smog quickly swallowed everything in sight, plunging Serena, Ash and I into darkness. I noticed in the mere seconds before thick smoke forced my eyes shut that Ash had raced over to Serena and wrapped his arm around her for protection.

Thanks for the help I thought sarcastically, though, eventually concluded that it was better Serena was safe.

I had forgotten the foul taste of smoke. The tingling of toxic chemicals burning my tongue every time I tried to take a breath. The coughing, the spluttering, the watering eyes. I couldn't find my friends in the dark, so I fumbled about, tripping over my own feet. I tried to call for help, but each attempted brought a mouthful of burnt chemicals and my words quickly became sickening hiccups. Tears were threatening to escape my waterline, but I refused to let them go as I don't cry. My body screamed for fresh air, my lungs clogging with smog; they rejected the smoke.

Suddenly, my hands were bind together by a force I was unaware of. My struggles escalated as I tried to free my wrists from their prison, but I could hardly see two feet in front of me. Before I knew it, all my energy had been transferred into forcing my hands free. Where had these binds come from? It was so sudden.

But not as sudden as the tug that jerked me forwards. I stumbled in the direction without much other option. Something-someone- had a hold of me and was leading me away from my friends.

My first thought was to fight back, to struggle, to kick, to thrash, to escape. However, a much smarter argument entered my head: let the kidnapper lead me out of the suffocating smoke. So I did, I let them tug me away without any objection.

Soon enough, the air began to thin out, indicating the smog was dissipating. Breathing became manageable and my throat no longer raged like a wild fire with every inhale. There was still a small tingle of chemicals laced in the air, but it was tolerable. My eyelids gradually fluttered open, showing rough shapes of the trees around me, vision overlapping and merging again with the watery film the smoke had collected. I spat out the disgusting taste lingering on my tongue and blinked the blurry images away. Blinked and shook my head vigorously until my vision regained.

My wrists were tied together by a glowing contraption that obviously belonged to Team Rocket. And tugging me forward -like a dog on a leash- was an ugly looking Pokemon. It had almond shaped eyes that held a smug look and suggested the Pokemon was rather cocky. It's ears were pointed and it trotted onwards on two hind legs. It's curved tail ticked like the hand of a clock with each step, right and left, keeping pace and annoying me for an unknown reason.

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