Chapter 4: Dinner with the Collins

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Upon enetering the restaurant, I easily spotted Chris' parents who were standing and smiling at us.

"Good evening ma'am, sir." I greeted them formally and smiled

"Good evening Ashley" Mrs. Collins'smiled back

"Hello Mrs. Collins'! Long time no see." The girl with Chris said cheerfully with a high pitched tone

"Oh, hello Janelle, it's really been a long time. Nice to see you again." From the looks of Mrs. Collins', she looks like it's really not nice for her to see Janelle again

Then it hit me.. Janelle was Chris' ex girlfriend.. I'm so stupid..

"Let's sit down and order something." Mr. Collins said

I sat down by myself while Chris became a gentleman to Janelle.. Seeing them together made my heart sink and the thought of killing someone is present in my mind. I just ignored them

Mr. Collins ordered for us. It took not long enough for the food to be served so we ate our food. It's delicious.

"So..Chris, how have you been lately since we.. you know.." Janelle clinged her arms on Chris'

"I've been fine lately." There was annoyance in Chris' voice that made me smirk a little

"Did you had a girlfriend after me?" Janelle asked in a sweet voice

Fuck you Janelle.. Just shut up..Stay calm Ash, stay calm..

"Uh,no" Chris answered

"Oh.." She just said and continued to eat her food

We ate in silence after that

"I'll just go to the restroom first." Janelle stood up and went to the restroom.

There was something bothering me so I excused myself and also went to the restroom

I went inside it and saw Janelle smoking? She is smoking.. The hell??

"Oh hi" She said to me plainly when she saw me standing there and staring at her

"You smoke." I told her

"So?" She said and rolled her eyes

"It can kill you" I told her.

"Yeah right" She said and blew the smoke right into my face

I immediately covered my nose

"Chris' such a fool you know?" She blurted out

"What?" I faced her

"I can tell that he still likes me" She said proudly

"You can never be sure of that." I said

"Yes I am and by the looks of you, you like him" She said and smiled

"I don't." I said

"Whatever.. I'll play him a little more" She said and smirked at me

I raised a brow and controlled myself at slapping her ugly face

"Don't Janelle" I said seriously

"Why not? I mean he looks hotter now" She shrugged

"Do you have a boyfriend?" I asked her

"Yes" she said

"I pity your boyfriend.. He doesn't deserve someone like you" I said

"Who care? I like playing other people" She said

"People's hearts are not toys bitch." I said

"I'll do what I want Ashley, you're not stopping me." She blew another smoke on my face

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