Q&A 2 (Just author ask)

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Author ask!

1. Would you rather kill yourself or commit suicide?

tbh id rather hannah baker AHA DEAD MEMES STOP ME

How do you come up with the forgive english skits?

i literally go on a random word generator and get wild

Whos your favorite female anime character of all time and why?

does avatar the last airbender count as an anime because i will forever love toph,, been a toph stan since i was 8

Has Yuri on ice influenced you in any way?

obviously it has because look at me lol no but seriously its so heartwarming and real i love it so much

Do you ship phan?

honestly who doesnt phan is so cute and pure i love

Boobs or butt?

i prefer tails yif yiff

Why and how are you so damn creative?

i dont think creativity and 2 am thoughts are the same thing ahaha

What other animes have you seen other than yuri on ice?

death note, aot, sao, one punch man, hq, atla, lok, pokemon, rezero, superlovers, chibi vampire, the list goes on forever i swear

Dan and phil or yuri and victor?

excuse me thats like asking me if id rather breathe or drink water

Are you gonna make another forgive english?
yeah but i ran out of cocaine so when i get more ill write another one

On a scale of one to victor, how much do you love cupcakkes music?

unpopular opinion i actually hate her

Emo or pop music?

if i was in 7th grade id be like OMG EMO XD POP MUSIC EW but tbh id rather listen to rap whoops

What color is your hair?

its naturally black but i dyed it purple but it turned orange and now its brown idk

Yuri seme or uke or victor seme or uke

hah bottom

Why doesnt my mother love me?

because you read my books

On a scale of one to plisetsky how angsty are you?


Got any mental disorders?

does the thought of wanting to fling myself at a wall every day at exactly 3:54 pm count

Does Yuri Katsuki is gay?

i dont condone dead memes

Ya got any dank hobbies other than writing crack?

praying to thomas the tank engine

Ya like jazz?

no this is patrick

Will you marry me?

no because im gay

Do you like any figure skaters irl

im basic and i stan yuzuru hanyu and all the cast members who play dory in disney on ice

Can you make any more midnight bants

i could

Whats your favorite song to screech

rap god

Whats your favorite color?

the letter y

Do you have any yuri on ice shirts from hot topic?

yes it was a good $20 well spent

Are you a potato like me :3


What food do you like? I like potatoes :33 xD

s t o p

do you have instagram

yessssssmaaaaam its tashacla on ig gimme clout rn *cocks gun*

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