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Big thanks to amyyyxx1 for inspiring me to do this challenge. <3

Yass I'm so excited for this!

day 1 - first 80s movie you watched

day 2 - first 80s actor you fell in love with

day 3 - favorite 80s movie

day 4 - least favorite 80s movie

day 5 - least favorite 80s song

day 6 - favorite 80s band or artist

day 7 - favorite 80s style

day 8 - 80s movie you want to live in

day 9 - least favorite 80s trend

day 10 - favorite movie quote

day 11 - least favorite 80s song

day 12 - least favorite band or artist

day 13 - favorite 80s actor

day 14 - favorite 80s actress

day 15 - favorite photo from the 80s

day 16 - 80s actress you would be

day 17 - 80s actor you would be

day 18 - most inspiring 80s movie

day 19 - how did you get into the 80s

day 20 - would you live in the decade?

day 21 - what year would you live in?

day 22 - favorite 80s album

day 23 - something you wish was still around

day 24 - records or cassettes

day 25 - something I would change

day 26 - Haim or Feldman

day 27 - favorite 80s candy

day 28 - favorite 80s toy

day 29 - favorite under appreciated person

day 30 - favorite type of people

day 31 - favorite clothing item

day 32 - favorite 80s car

day 33 - favorite 80s accessory

day 34 - favorite 80s character (male)

day 35 - favorite 80s character (female)

day 36 - favorite villain

day 37 - funniest 80s movie

day 38 - funniest character

day 39 - favorite 80s commercial

day 40 - favorite Corey Haim movie

day 41 - favorite River Phoenix movie

day 42 - favorite 80s show

day 43 - most meaningful 80s movie

day 44 - if you were best friends with an 80s actor/character who would it be?

day 45 - sodapop or ponyboy

day 46 - Wil Wheaton or Ralph Macchio

day 47 - favorite 80s arcade game

day 48 - favorite 80s cartoon

day 49 - least favorite 80s hairstyle

day 50 - why you love the 80s

Well I hope you'll enjoy this and will follow this challenge for 50 days. Wow that's pretty long.😂

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