"So, Sophia, how old are you again?" He asks.

"I'm 17, turning 18 on December 4" I say and he smiles nodding his head.

"Boy do I miss when I was that young. Fun crazy time....ANYWAYS! We're here to talk about you & what you would be doing. Now don't be scared and think you'll be doing porn or crazy shit like that. A lot of companies like H&M, Calvin Klein, Victoria Secret, Gucci and more come to me for my models. Scarlett here has worked with amazing companies, her biggest has been Pink. All you need to do is model. Simple as that. And of course you have to always tell me what you're comfortable with. I hate for my clients to work on something that they don't love or enjoy" he explains and if I'm honest I'm really shook.

The thought of me working for those companies is INZANE.

"Woah, that sounds fucking awesome! I promise I'll always be honest" I say and he smiles nodding his head.


"So just tell me about yourself so that I can put in your profile" he says and grabs a notebook & pen.

I go on and tell him all my interests, what I don't like, what my personality is, how independent I am, all the things I want people to know about me.

"Now one last question...this is the most important" he says and I slowly nod my head.

"Are you dating or talking to anyone?" He asks. Grayson comes to my mind, but we aren't doing any of those. Me and him are currently just friends.

"Nope" I say and he slowly nods his head.

"Okay. Don't think I'll be those type of managers who don't let you date and talk to guys. I asked because since you'll just be starting to be seen more, I would love for you to make a name of yourself, not because you're dating someone and shit. You know how people are these days, they assume so many things...Scarlett knows a lot about that" he says.

I totally agree with him.

"I understand. I don't think I'll be dating anyone in a while. I'll probably just talk or go on dates but not settle down. I just finished a bad one, I'm good" he chuckles along with Scarlett.

"Well I'm glad. I can't fucking wait for you to be out there. You'll be BIG. People will love you, you're beautiful, talented, amazing, ahhh to much at once!" He says and I smile.

He's so nice and chill. I already love him.

We sign my contract which is for four years, but he says I can end it whenever I feel like.He gives me his number and tells me that he'll text me or call as soon as he needs me, which will be in less then two weeks since he does always gets called by brand and companies.

We chat for a few more minutes before we leave. I ask Scarlett to drop me off at my moms house. When I get there I'm surprised that only Sandra is there.

"Where's mom?" I ask and bend down to pet Hannah, our new family dog.

"She went shopping with some friends and took Mia. What you've been up to kiddo?" She asks as we sit down on the living room.

"I just got Sign into a model agency..." I say and wait for her respond. She raises her eyebrow.

"W-what?!" She asks.

Most kids don't care what their stepparents thinks. But I do. I consider Sandra my mom, so her opinion will always matter to me.

"I know, it's crazy. But I don't know, I wanted to try something new. I'm tired of being home and just going to the dance studio. I want to travel and stuff. Was this a stupid decision?" I ask and frown. She sighs and shakes her head.

"Of course not honey. I just think it would've been better if you told your mom and dad before you signed anything. But I get it. You're young and you want to travel, I think it's cool for you to try new things. If you're happy then I'm happy" she says and I smile.

"Yeah I know. I will call dad later, and well I'm gonna wait for mom" I say.

She smiles and asks me if I've eaten, and she asks if I want to go eat with her to the cheese cake factory and I tell her yes.


Sorry I haven't been uploading, I've been really busy with SCHOOL. I'm gonna have finals in two weeks & im making up all the work I didn't do LOL.😂


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