Short Film - Gaming Habits

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Eliott called for a group to go first, and Alicia beat some of the guys from the secondary group. As such, Alicia was the one to head up and show it. She was confident her group had done everything they needed to hopefully make this the best of the three short films that would be shown. Throughout the day they had worked, and she had to admit to being a bit nervous of what the others would think of it. Plugging her memory stick into the computer, she selected the top file. Turning to face the projected image, the film began with a fade in.

Darren is sat on the sofa, controller in hand. His eyes have a focus as he follows what is happening on screen. Sounds of car engines can be heard from the speakers of the TV, and indeed it is a car racing game that Darren plays.

He heard the front door open, but barely glanced in the direction as he made a perfect turn in the game.

"Hello, my dear," the call sounded from the front door.
"Hey, Sophie!" Darren shouted back. "Where you been?"

The person who had called entered the room, and Sophie looked at the TV, then at Darren.
"I'd ask you the same thing," she said in a voice filled with sass, "but it is very clear where you are."

"And where would that be?" Darren said as he paused the game.

"The land of virtual cars!" was the reply in an irritated voice. She walked past him to the kitchen.

"And what's wrong with that?" Darren asked in a hurt voice.

"Nothing, so long as you- No! You haven't!" Sophie's voice rose. "So everything is wrong with that."

"Haven't what?" Darren asked, stumped at what he hadn't done.

Sophie walked back in with her arms crossed. She glared at him from the entrance to the kitchen.

"Done the dishes and tidied everything up," she said in a controlled voice.
"Ah," Darren said, realisation dawning on his face. "Well, I was going to... But something came up."

"And what would-"

Sophie was interrupted as a flushing sounded from upstairs. Sophie looked up and an uncomfortable look came over Darren's face. Someone came down the stairs, and Jack entered the room.

"Alright. I'm sorted. Now for another game, and I- Oh! Hello Sophie." It was clear he hadn't heard the newcomer enter or the conversation that had taken place. "You're back earlier than Darren said."

"No. I'm back later than I said." Irritation was now clearly visible on Sophie's face. "But Darren more than likely never heard me. And I'm guessing you're the reason he hasn't done any housework."

Now Jack was uncomfortable as well. "Erm... No. He invited me for a few games."

"I knew it!" Sophie exclaimed in a victorious voice. Turning back to Darren, she said, "When are you going to get a proper job?"

Darren looked cornered as he confronted his girlfriend. "I will! I'm looking! But for now, there's nothing more but-" He slowly got up from the sofa, "to run for it!"

Darren ran from the room, and is out the door. Jack realised what his friend had done, took one look at Sophie, and quickly left the house as well.

Sophie looked around the room, at the still active games console and the paused game, and gave a huff of contempt. "Men!"

More than an hour had passed, and two people were sat on the sofa. One was Sophie. The other was her friend, Liz.

"I just wish I knew why he does it!" Sophie said in a frustrated tone.

"I'm sure he doesn't do it intentionally," Liz said. "It's more than likely just a quirk of his."

"What? Annoying me?" Sophie shot.

"No. He's just more lax than others. More carefree."

"It's not like he listens," Sophie said, though it sounded more to herself than her friend.

"I'm sure he does. He just... I don't know. He probably doesn't see something like housework as a high priority."

"So why is it I have to do everything not related to his gaming career?" Sophie said in a rush.

"But that's exactly it. It is a career for him. I've known him for longer than you have, and while he isn't as far ahead as Jack is, he's still trying to make it work."

That made Sophie look down in regret. "I'm starting to feel bad about shouting at him now. I never knew."

"Hopefully someday Darren will be as successful as Jack is."

"But I don't understand. How can you make a career out of gaming?"

"Jack works for a video game journalist website. That's also where Darren is hoping to get to."

"Do you like games?" Sophie asked, looking up again.

"I occasionally play with Jack when he needs an extra person for a game."

"But do you like them?"

"Certain ones. It's like everything else, really. Everyone has certain likes and dislikes."

Sophie thought on that for a bit, then stood up. "Maybe when he gets back I can surprise him. What game do they usually play?"

"Several really, though the console sorts the games on the home screen by what was played last. Why not that one?"

The console is powered up, and the first game on the home screen is selected. It is the racing game that Darren was playing earlier.

Several hours later, Darren returned.

"Okay!" he shouted upon entering. "I'm sorry for running out. I shouldn't have left you to do the housework." He entered the room. "I-" and got a shock as the game was running. It was the racing game he had played earlier, and he was surprised at who was playing it.

"What are you doing?" he asked of Sophie.

"Playing this game! What does it look like?"

A confused look hit Darren. "But you usually hate seeing me playing games."

"Well, that was before I tried it myself. I'm loving this." Sophie turned to him with glee on her face.

Darren walked to the sofa and sat down next to her.

"Well, once you finish this race, how about we play together?" he asked gently.

"Sure, that'd be fun." There was no hint of frustration on her face or in her voice.

Darren lifted himself forward and grabbed a second controller from the table. When he sat back down, Sophie paused the game and looked at him.

"Look," she said in a serious voice. "I'm sorry at how I shouted at you. I just thought you would have cleaned up is all. It would only have taken about five minutes."

"I know," Darren admitted. "And I'm sorry that I ran out on you and not explained myself."

"Liz explained it all and introduced me to your world. We have a better understanding of each other now. I know you want to get into the same place Jack works."

"Yeah, and according to him I should be close to getting in."

"That's great!"

Sophie hugged him, and Darren had to smile at that.

"It is indeed," he said when the hug broke. "You can help me with videos and stuff from time to time if you like."

"I'd love to," Sophie said. With a smile, she added, "Now, weren't we getting into the multiplayer game?"

The credits played out, listing Brandon being Darren, and Kimberly being Sophie. Jack and Elizabeth had decided against changing their names for the film, and so were listed as playing themselves. As other roles from the film appeared, screenshots of the game played, and on the final part, the title appeared as everyone in the room clapped.

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