Fucking Jimin

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Taehyung popped his head up from behind the bed. He looked at Jungkook and raised his eyebrows up and down in a silly manner. Jungkook laughed again. He was so fucking ridiculous.

"Mmm..." said Tae, He got up and sat down in the orange chair that was sitting by the window. He saw that Jungkook had an array of snacks on the hotel desk in the room. He grabbed a cream puff.

"Can I have this?" he asked.

"Yeah..of course." said Jungkook and he walked over and grabbed one too. He looked down at Tae as he bit into the delicious puff. "It's good right?" he said. His voice muffled as it was full of food.

"Mmmmm!" said Tae and he closed his eyes, putting his hand on his heart, laying his head back like it was the best thing he had eaten in his life.

"I got em at this little store down the street. Shit is the bomb." said Kookie.

"Mmm.Hmm." agreed Tae.

" What do you want to do? It's late. You think Jimin and them are still awake?" asked Kookie. He sat down on the bed and rustled his hair.

"Nah. I texted Jimin but he didn't text back. Fucking bitch." said Tae.

Jungkook looked at him and started to giggle. He was eating the cream puff with his eyes closed. He was so damn funny and always over dramatic. He looked him up and down just then. He had on his Gucci slippers, his red pajama pants and a white robe. He saw his chest exposed where the robe opened and he bit his lip. Taehyung looked so sexy and he wasn't doing anything but eating a damn cream puff.

He shook his head. What the hell was he thinking just then? He giggled to himself realizing how he thought Taehyung was hot.

He kept watching him as he grabbed another cream puff. He thought back to what he had said about Jimin, texting him. Did he text Jimin before him? He got a little jealous as he thought about it.

He pressed his tongue against the inside of his cheek as he thought back to earlier in the day, when him, Tae and Jimin and went shopping downtown. Jimin and Tae had practically held hands the whole time and would whisper to each other every now and then. That shit had been so damn annoying.

He suddenly wanted to know if Tae had only come to see him because Jimin wasn't awake. "You text Jimin before coming here?" he asked, forcing his voice to sound as innocent as possible.

"Yeah." said Tae. He yawned and stretched just then.

"Then bitch go down there!" said Jungkook. He was half teasing, half serious.

Tae looked at him and his eyes widened. "Did you...just...call me..a bitch?" he said.

Jungkook started to smile at him. His bunny teeth fully showing at the ridiculousness of Taehyung's stare.

"Yeah I did. Bitch." he teased. Taehyung got up and flared his nostrils, breathing up and down like he was Bruce Lee. Jungkook started laughing hard. Tae started to giggle. He couldn't stay in character the shit was so funny.

"I...will.." but he couldn't finish the threat as he watched Jungkook laugh with his cute bunny teeth fulling showing. His laugh was so infectious. Tae started laughing too and then he jumped on the bed and grabbed Jungkook into a headlock. He started to rub his fist hard against the top of Kookie's head giving him a noogie.

"Disrespect your Hyung!" he yelled.

"Ahhhh...Hahahahha! Stop!" laughed Jungkook. Tae laughed and let him go and laid down on the bed, his feet dangling over the edge next to where Jungkook sat. He kicked off his slippers and they flew across the room and then he closed his eyes.

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