Chapter Sixteen: Help!

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Laurie's POV

A day after the exciting event at the Royal Variety, I was having a lie-in. I slept til about noon, and just laid in bed til about an hour after that.

Finally, I needed to fill my always-empty stomach, and decided to just try and make something myself, even though I already knew that it wouldn't go down well.

I got up slowly, chucked some loose pants on, and went into the kitchen. I opened the fridge, and thought long and hard about what I could actually make out of the sad pieces of food I owned. I finally spotted some eggs, and decided on some scrambled eggs, since that was just about the most complicated thing I knew how to make, and I felt like getting complicated.

I opened the drawer I knew kept toast, and decided on making eggs on toast.

The kitchen felt so empty, the whole flat just felt empty. I seriously needed someone here. I'm always known as a social butterfly, but I really don't feel like it. And it's just so bare in here. I've tried to decorate it so it would feel homey, but I haven't succeeded yet. I'm always so busy, I'm always at the theatre or elsewhere, I'm never home anymore.

But one thing I knew; I owned a radio, which was placed on the kitchen counter. Just to have some kind of company, I turned it on. Elvis started playing, and I started to sing along.

I took out the pan I needed for the eggs, and a spatula. I cracked the eggs, and picked up the spatula, which I knew I had to use in a bit.

Suddenly, I heard something on the radio, it was a familiar voice;

"Love, I hope you're listening. I miss you so much. When I saw you yesterday, my heart skipped a few beats, you looked so stunning, and I found myself wondering why I even broke up with you. And I remembered our times together, and I want that back. And..... I wrote you a song"

A guitar started playing, and I found myself listening intensely.

"I give her all my love

That's all I do

And if you saw my love

You'd love her too

And I love her"

When I fell out of my trance, I smelled something burning. Oh shit!, the eggs!

I hurried taking the pan off the heater, and turned the heat down. I started to mix the eggs with the spatula I still kept in my hand. After a while of thinking about what I just heard on the radio, but still focused on the pan, I decided the eggs to be finished, and took the pan off the now not-so-high heater, once again.

I thought of the toast as not important anymore, and put it down in the drawer I took it from. I put the eggs on a plate, grabbed a fork, and plopped myself down on the couch in the living room.

One thing I did have the time and money to buy, was a television, so I turned it on, and proceeded with my lazy day, with my mind occupied, once again, on what I heard on the radio.

Did he really mean what he said in that song? "And I love her", does he really? Do I love him? Before yesterday, I hadn't seen him for three full years. Yes, he was once what I considered 'the love of my life'. But that was before he broke my heart by a letter, and didn't contact me for three years, while I heard his records and saw him in the magazines and on the telly all the time. He knew I've always been in London, if he loved me so damn much, he could've contacted me.

I miss him.

The ringing of the doorbell brought me out of my thoughts. I hurried putting the half-eaten plate of eggs down, and stood from the sofa too fast. I got dizzy, so I had to stop for a split second before moving on.

I made it to the door, and opened slowly, aware that I still hadn't showered, and my hair was a mess. And who else did I see, than mister John Lennon himself. What the heck is he doing here? How does he know my address?

"Hello Laurie" he started out, awkwardly.

"Hi John. Uhh, come in"


I lead him to the couch, where I had been seated minutes ago.

"I'll be back in a minute" I informed. Might need to do something about my hair mess.

"Shit" I mumbled to myself on the way to the bathroom. Didn't really feel like having guests over.

I quickly chucked on a little nicer shirt, but kept the loose pants, they were comfy.

I brushed out my hair, and pulled it up into a ponytail. I brushed my teeth also, quick as lightning.

I was back in the living room within 3 minutes.

I sat myself down on the sofa, and asked;

"Why did you come here?"

"I need to talk to you about something"

"Okay. Shoot"

"Well, we saw you last night. And to be honest, Paul went mad. Did you listen to the radio this morning?"


"Yep, then you know what I mean. But the thing is... How am I gonna put this? George is also crazy 'bout cha"

"What?!?" I screamed at him. This can't be true. Jon can't be right. Y'know, Jon, last night, said he sensed something. Maybe he's right.

"It's true. And I just want to protect ya. And inform ya on their crazy ideas"

"Right, thanks John. You're a friend in world-class".

A/N: I'm sorry this chapter sucks, and is really uneventful. It's a filler. I just thought I needed to update.

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