Chapter Six: Something

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Laurie's POV

School've been killing me. We have so much homework. We have English, maths, chemistry and history. I'm going to do it all this weekend, as it's now Friday.

And I'm doing dancing twice a week. So I haven't really seen Paul much this week. Strangely enough, you would think we saw each other all the time, now that we're together. But we haven't.

And I'm missing him like crazy. I may explode any minute now!

I was in the middle of my English report, and dad came into my room.

"Have you heard of knocking on the door?" I asked. I was really concentrated!

"Sorry, I just have to talk with you".

"Okay, 'bout what?"

"About Paul".

"What about him?"

"I just want to know exactly what's going on between you two. He's a year older than you. And you're only 14. Are you even ready to have a, boyfriend isn't it?"

"He is my boyfriend, and yes, I am ready, of course I'm ready! Why shouldn't I?!" I exploded.

"I don't know. This is just the first time you've had a boyfriend. And I'm just scared that you'll get hurt. I've heard of Paul's repetition, and I don't like it. That's all!"

"He won't hurt me! I know that! He's a sweet guy!"

"You didn't think that two weeks ago. What made you change your mind?"

I didn't really know what to reply to that. I guess I've just got to know him.

But now I'm actually getting scared. He is kinda a playboy. And I don't know if I can actually trust him, I don't know him that well yet.

"I don't know. But I'm trying to do homework?" I said to try to get him to leave.

"Okay. But just come to me when he finally does something, okay?"

"Okay" I sighed.

It was night, and I couldn't sleep. I was thinking about what dad said. Is he right? I don't think he is, but on the other hand, I don't know about that. I think I love him, but it might be infatuation. I'm missing him like crazy, and I, in truth, just want him here with me, beside me, holding me.

I heard what sounded like a stone against my window, and I immediately got scared. I thought someone was trying to break in, maybe there was!

It came again, and I thought I would maybe just check it out. I looked down, and I squeeled quietly when I saw who it was. Paul.

"Hi luv"

"Hi". First now I noticed he had his guitar with him. And he started playing a sweet melody. But my family was asleep, and I didn't want to wake them, especially my dad, seeing he didn't really like Paul.

"Shh, my family's asleep. Come on" I said and motioned him to my window.

"Can I crawl in?"

"Try". And he did, and it went fine. I mean, he got in. A bit of trouble yes, but he's here. I took his guitar and set it by my desk. As soon as he got in properly, and actually stood up, he hugged me tightly. Oh my, I missed that hug.

"I missed you so much. Where've you been?"

"Homework and lots of dancing. And I missed you loads too"

"Hmm, well, can I sleep over? I don't want to be apart from you anymore" he said sweetly as he started to caress my cheek.

"Of course. I would love it if you slept over"

"Good" he said with a huge smile.

And we slept in my bed together. Quite a risky move, when we've only been together for a week. But I enjoyed the closeness. It was like we've known each other forever and ever and ever.

He moved closer to me and laid one hand around my waist, quite shyly. I moved closer to him, telling him it was okay, by that move. He took me closer. And he put his other arm around me too, pulling me even closer. I don't think we could've laid closer. He kissed the tip of my nose, and said goodnight.

"Goodnight Paul". I replied with a happy sigh, and smile on my face.

We Can Live As We Choose (Paul McCartney) *FINISHED*Where stories live. Discover now