Chapter Seven: I Should Have Known Better

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Laurie's POV

The next month Paul and I fell even more in love with each other. In fact, we couldn't really keep our hands to ourselves when we were together. Every time I said or did something silly, he would attack me with kisses and hugs.

We had our ups and downs, just as every other couple. But one day I saw something I just didn't want to see.

I came down to the cantine, and I walked over to our usual lunch table, and what did I see? Paul and some slut snogging away. I stopped dead in my tracks. I couldn't believe it. After everything we did together, after he just told me the night before that he loved me.

I stormed over to him. I started screaming at him.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!!?!? You just said you loved me, and now you're sitting here, snogging some girl?!" I cried out at him. He started saying lots of what I assume to be apologises. But I didn't care. I was so mad, I just ran out of the school. I didn't even care that the teachers would write to my parents.

I heard him yelling my name behind me, when I came out in the yard. I just ran even faster out of the school. But he catched me. He stopped right in front of me.

"Laura listen. I didn't kiss her. She just came over to me, and started kissing me!" He tried to explain. But I didn't believe him.

"Don't lie! I saw you kissing her!! Just leave me alone Paul! I don't want to see you again!" I shouted the first part. But the last sentence I kinda mumbled. I realised just as I said it, that I loved him, and the last thing I wanted was to leave him. But I did just that. I walked away from him.

Paul's POV

She leaved me. She fucking leaved me! I wanted to run after her, and kiss her so that she knew how much I love her. But I couldn't move my legs. I just stood there, in utter shock. She's left me. Because bloody Eve wanted to spoil our relationship. Well done Eve! That happened. Happy now?! I didn't even kiss her back! She just planted herself on my lap, and started kissing me.

I already miss Laurie. She really is my everything. I love her, for christ sake! And now it's ruined. I'm just going to do everything to get her back. But I couldn't see her on the school anymore.

"Paul what are you doing?" Ivan, a good friend, asked behind me.

'What are you doing', was her exact words when she saw. I didn't reply. I broke down. I fell down to the ground and started crying my brain out. I've never cried this much before! And certainly not in front of any of my friends.

"Whoa whoa whoa, what's wrong?"

"She left me. She's gone!" I cried out.

"Who's gone?"


"I'm sorry mate. But there's always other birds out there"

"You don't understand" my crying seemed to quiet down, I just became angrier now. Ivan didn't understand a thing. No one ever understands a thing.

"I love her. She's the only one I want to be with. She's not just some bird! She was my bird, nobody else's"

"Okaay, now you're in a territory I can't really comprehend". 'Of course not', I thought, 'nobody understands'.

We Can Live As We Choose (Paul McCartney) *FINISHED*Where stories live. Discover now