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The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy - A Trilogy in Five Parts

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Now it's probably worth pointing out, at this point, that I had every intention of being able to post more than a single recommendation. The fact is it's so long since I read any Dirk Gently, or anything else from Adams' archive for that matter, that the only real recommendation I can give, other than what comes after this, is that if you happen across anything with Douglas Adams' name on it, read it.

But we're here to talk about the Hitchhiker's Guide and that's exactly what we're gonna' do. Well that's exactly what I'm gonna' do, anyways. Well actually I'm going to write about it or more accurately type about it whereas you only have two real options; read this, or don't.

When you get right down to it I suppose those are pretty much the only two options any of us have when it comes to anything; we either do something, or we don't do it and instead, we do something else.

To be honest though, whether you're a die-hard science fiction fan or not, I'm of the opinion that reading the Guide is an absolute must. Even if we take the fact it was the book (OK, five books) that made me fall in love with sci-fi out of the equation, Adams' style is superb. That's a subjective statement, of course, I mean one man's superb is another man's crock of shit but I don't think anyone could read the Guide and honestly consider it to be the latter.

You'll notice I'm not really talking too much, or at all, about content here and to be fair, I don't want to. Nothing I say here will do Adams' words justice, but as you're twisting my arm I'll tell you a little bit about what you can expect to find, if you've never read the Guide.

Earth's in it, briefly. Mice are in it, too. There's aliens and alcoholic drinks of which the merest mention are likely to put you off drinking for life. There's a two-headed ex-President, a restaurant from which one can watch the death of the Universe, and characters with names like Marvin, Trillian, Arthur and Slartibartfast.

And if none of that is enough to whet your whistle, then just go read it and find out what all of the fuss is about!

Tevun-Krus #42 - Oh, and ANOTHER Thing...Where stories live. Discover now