Part 1 (Intro)

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"Hey wake up, you're going to be late for school!"

     I could hear my mom yelling for me to get up for school. I really didn't want to because I haven't been to public school in ages it felt like. I stopped around three years ago because of all the bullying and pain I went through 'cause of other students mistreating me all the time. I had very few friends at that school and the ones that I did have, well they and as well as me never had time to hang out with one another. Then before I knew a lot of my other friends moved away, across the entire country at that. Ever since then I've always wanted to leave the U.S and live some where different. Some where I could start over and meet new friends. I've begged my mom multiple times if we could move to Japan, but she always said no. I get why though, it's expensive and rough to make a living in a completely different country. There isn't anyone you know and the culture is just completely different. Nothing like the U.S anyways.

I should probably get up and get dressed before my mother starts get upset with me.

"I'm coming! Just give me a few minutes alright!"

I quickly got dressed, put my shoes on and brushed my teeth and was off to school.

     Also I should mention I'm joining this school half way through the year. On the drive to school I just listened to music. I always loved Rock N' Roll and Heavy Metal; it always put me in a happy mood and just made me feel like I could do anything. Just gave me an adrenaline rush of the sorts.

     We were approaching closer and closer to the school. My nerves were sky rocketing as we got closer to school. I didn't know how it would go being the new kid. This would be the first time for me being the new kid. All I hope was my teachers would be cool because honestly teachers are what I like about school the most. Having friends that were my fellow students I didn't really care much for, I only wanted a few. At my previous school my favorite teacher was my Social Studies teacher, he had a really great sense of humor. He never took class too seriously and always tried to make class a fun environment. Not only that he was a big Tool fan when I had him, so he gets bonus points for that as well.


     There wasn't really anything interesting during school today, nothing worth mentioning anyways. But when I got home from school I went to my room like normal and played on my computer. My mom normally gets home around 4:00 or so. I got a text from my mom saying she has a surprise for me when she gets home. I generally don't think much of this stuff when she tells me because I don't want to feel like the surprise is anything less than what it is. In the mean time I'll just play my video games.

     As it's approaching 4:00 I hear someone pulling in our driveway to see if it is my mom. I looked out the window to my left and it was her. I ran towards the back door to prepare myself for the surprise.

"Honey! I'm home, oh you're right here."

"Well what's the surprise mom?"

"You know how you've always wanted to move to Japan?"

"No way! Are we going?!?!"

"We'll be moving in a month, so I want you for the next couple weeks to try and pack as much of your stuff in your room. Then you can help me pack everything else. Okay?"

"You got it! Thank you so much!"

I ran up to her and gave her a hug.

"You're welcome honey."

"One more thing. Where exactly are we moving to in Japan?"

"We'll live in a house in Hiroshima. We'll be renting it for the mean time till we can purchase it. Also already have you enrolled in a school. So once we get there you'll be going to school the following week."

"I'll start packing right away!"

"Remember only pack stuff you don't use much right now."

     I ran up to my room with the biggest smile on my face. I can't believe it, I'll be living in Japan. I'm ecstatic beyond belief right now. I started to pack up a lot of stuff I don't use often. I grabbed my guitars from my closet and decided to clean them up and get them packed and ready. Now I had a lot of CD's on a shelf, a couple dozen and maybe tons more hidden some where. I decided I would pack all the ones I didn't listen to that much anymore.

     A couple hours have passed and I have most of the easy to pack stuff ready for when we go. I looked at the clock and boy did time go by fast it was already 10:00. I decided it would be best to just get to bed. Before falling asleep all I could do was think of what it would be like to live in Japan. I don't even know if I would be able to sleep tonight because of how excited I was, but surprisingly I was able to get to sleep pretty quick.


I decided to start over with my previous story "Life Changer" because I didn't feel like I could take it anywhere. The beginning of this will feel the same since I'm just kind of changing how the story went with pacing and stuff. Anyways, hope you enjoyed!

See You!

Suzuka X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now