Part 6

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Suzuka's POV

     I get up every morning thinking why I even try anymore.  I have this dad who doesn't even give two shits for me anymore.  There's days where it's fine in comparison to others, but even then he's still very abusive to me.  The only escape I have from him is school.  My dad. . .well whatever he's become.  He wasn't like this before my mom died of cancer.  He used to be great, but now. . .well he's just a monster.  I remembered every beating because they all end out the same.  Bruises all over my back, shoulders, and upper arms.  If he beat me he wouldn't let me leave home without me covering up the marks he left and if I didn't cover them he would make them worse or if I try and tell anyone about what he's doing to me he would make them worse.

"Where do you think you're going?"

"To school, where else?"

He came up to me to check my marks. "I fucked up didn't I", I thought to myself.  I forgot to cover my bruises and I knew he was going to do it, so I prepared for him to hit me.

"Don't do it, please!  I'll go clean up okay?  Don't. . .don't hurt me again.  I'm sorry I'll be good.  I'll cover it up."

"Su you know I can't do that.  You won't learn if I don't."

I tried to get out of his holding, but I'm just too weak.  I wish I could break fee.  I guess it'll be best to just get it over with.

"Just do it!  Get it over with."  I could feel the blistering pain across my back and arms, the pain was just unbearable.  He then let me go.  I just ran to my room and curled up it in ball in the corner and just began to let it all out.  I also began talking to myself.

"What did I do to deserve this. . . I just want it to end.  Can someone just save me from this nightmare."  I grabbed a knife I had sitting in my room in case I ever needed it.  I was going to cut myself, but I just couldn't put myself to do it.  I couldn't put myself through more pain.

     I finally was able to get myself up and go to school.  I ran out the front door down the sidewalk while my dad was yelling for me.  I turned around to see if he was coming for me.  Luckily he wasn't, I just hope when I get home he doesn't have anything planned for me.

     I was late to school because of what happened at home.  They asked why, I just told them I got up late.  This was probably the 20th time I've been late because of my dad.  I went through the day like normal, trying my best not to show I was in pain.  It's very hard to do.  I guess I'm just so messed up in the head from all beatings my dad gave me that I can't really feel the pain very easily anymore.

     School has passed and I decided to spend some time with Yui and Moa at the park since we haven't really done anything together in awhile.  The only problem was I completely lost track of time.  I had to rush back to my dad's or else it wouldn't be pretty.

I opened the front door, I could hear my dad coming.

     "Suzuka!  Where have you been?"  I just freaked out and ran out the door, down the sidewalk.  I turned around and saw a boy and his mom and enter a house that has been vacant for some time now.  Seeing them gave me an idea.  I went and bought a pie from one of the local stores.  I thought maybe I could give this to them and have a note on it for them asking for help.  I didn't want my dad to know about it so I hid it under my bed in my room.  Surprisingly my dad wasn't too upset about me being home late.  I guess he's had too much to drink and when he drinks he actually turns into a better person which is a bit strange.


     After school I managed to grab the pie that was under my bed without my dad noticing I left.  I rang the doorbell to our new neighbors house and the boy was the one that came and opened the door.  I told him that I got them a pie as a little welcoming gift to the neighborhood.  I don't think he understood a word I said, he was just clueless.  Next  thing I know my dad starts yelling for me out the door.  This made me scared a bit.  "Save me, please!".  I ran to my house before he got too angry.  I just hope that they understand what I was trying to tell them.


I don't know why but this one for some reason felt harder to write.  Anyways, I hope you enjoyed.

See You!

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