Part 27: Can I Explain?

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Jace's POV- I march over to where Isabela is.

I can't believe she set me up. She can't accept the fact that I'm over her.

"Isabela! Why did you do that? You set me up and ruined my relationship!" I yell.

"Jacey, c'mon we both know we want each other" she says leaning close to me.

"No, I don't! I'm in love with Riele and I'll always be. You may have won over Riele, but you haven't won me back. Just leave me the hell alone you freak" I say.

I go somewhere into the crowd to get my mind off things, then I decide to walk home.

This night was supposed to be fun, but it was ruined my psycho ex girlfriend.

I make it home and flop on my bed. I screwed up once again.

Riele's POV- I called my friend Macey over the next day.

She brought a bunch of food over and we watched a lot of movies and we finally talked about the incident.

"Hey girl, are you feeling okay?" Macey asks.

"To be honest, not really. I overreacted  and I probably embarrassed myself. But I'm done with Jace" I say.

"Okay, what ever you say..." She says trailing off.

"What's that supposed to mean? " I ask as she's laughing.

Then someone knocks on the door.

I open to reveal pain.


I start to shut the door, but he's stronger than me and opens it back up.

"Riele, please. I need you do listen." He begs.

"I don't want to hear, and I told you I never wanna see you again" I say trying to shut the door again, but he's still stronger.

"Riele, can I explain? Please." He still begs.

"No Jace, nothing can change the fact that you cheated on me and hurt me badly. Goodbye Jace" I say.

I shut the door and he doesn't open it back it.

Part of me feels hurt by that, and part of me feels relieved.

I get back on the bed with Macey. Ugh, here comes the tears.

Why am I beating myself up on this?
Hope you enjoyed!

Last update tonight!


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