Part 8: Movie Drama

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Jace's POV- Isabela and I separate the kiss.

"Jace, can you promise me something" Isabela asks.

"Yeah" I say.

"Promise you'll never leave me. Or cheat on me. I love you Jace and you mean the world to me. I just don't want to get hurt" she says tearing up.

I pull her in for a hug.

"I promise" I say.

I kiss her on the forehead and we head to where the rest of the cast is.

I'm guessing Blake is the director also since he's not even letting the director talk. And whenever he's by Riele she looks uncomfortable, something must've happened.

"Okay guys, this is our director Charles." Blake says.

Charles looks like one of the worst directors ever.

"Charles!" Isabela says running up and hugging him.

"Charles has directed the Transformers movies, and I'm cast in the 5th one and I met Charles a little while ago" Isabela says.

"Also, I've directed Avengers, X-men, and Fantastic Four" Charles says.(Charles is made up he did not direct those movies)

Okay I stand corrected, he is one of the best directors.

"Then why are you directing this downgraded movie?" I ask.

Riele coughs and I look towards her and she give me a shut up look.

"Ha, you see here Blake is my nephew and I promised him I'd direct anything he'd want, so I let him pick the plot" Charles says.

I nod my head.

Of course Blake picked a plot where he had to kiss Riele at the end. I don't know, but there something about Blake I don't like.

"Well, know that we've met my uncle Charles let's go meet the crew" Blake says.

I lock hands with Isabela, and Blake locks hands with Riele.

Ugh, you can obviously tell she's uncomfortable. But Riele will work this out herself I can't get involved. ---

We met the crew and they were pretty cool, some of them I've worked with before.

"So the table read will start in a couple of minutes then everyone is free to go. There's food and refreshments over there" says Blake.

We all nod and go our ways.

I see Blake take Riele into his dressing room. Somethings not right with that look on Blake's face.

"Hey Bela, I'm going to the bathroom" I say.

She nods her head and I make way towards the bathroom, but I'm just going to spy on Riele and Blake.

They're making out and Riele seemed to enjoy it.

"Please stop, I don't want to do this right now" Riele says.

"Come on, no ones around. Just you and me" Blake says.

"I said stop" Riele says.

But Blake still continues to kiss her.

I bust through his dressing room door.

They stop at the sight of me.

"She told you to stop, so stop" I said sternly.

"This is between Riele and me so we don't need you here" Blake says and I get furious.

I go up and grab him by the collar.

"Guys stop!" Riele asks, but I couldn't.

"Listen, Riele is my best friend, and when she tells you to do something you better do it or else" I say.

I release him hard and I walk out of the room. I just had to get my anger out on him.

Riele's POV- After Jace left I feel warm. He was protecting me. But he'd do that to anyone.

"Listen Blake. I'm sorry about Jace. I just wasn't ready, and I'm a baby. I'll have him apologize" I say.

"Don't bother, I was wrong. I shouldn't have forced you. I just love you so much. I'm sorry Riele." Blake says hugging me.

He said it again the L word, but I just can't say it back.

We head to the table read.

Jace is sitting across from Blake and I and he has death in his eyes.

"Okay, let's get started" Blake says to break the silence.

Hopefully nothing goes wrong. ----

The table read was over and surprisingly that went well.

Everyone was leaving and I kiss Blake on the cheek.

"See you tomorrow" I say.

"Bye" he says.

I walk out to the car to find Jace leaning against it.

"I thought you were going with Isabela" I ask.

"I was, but I just wanted to get back to the hotel" he says glumly.

We get in the car.

"I just wanted to thank you, for earlier. If you hadn't come in, Blake would've forced me to do stuff I wasn't ready for" I say.

"No problem." He says still gloomy.

"And Blake says he was wrong, and you don't need to apologize for anything" I say.

"I wasn't going to apologize anyway" he says.

I laugh and we head back to our hotel.

Oh Jace, you gotta love him.
Hope you enjoyed this chapter!

Do you think there's something up with Blake?

Love you all🍭


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