Part 17: I'm So Sorry.

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Jace's POV- I can't believe that happened.

I went straight home after the incident and I couldn't get it out of my head.

I really want Riele but she keeps rejecting me and I want to know why.

I'm going to go to her room to get an explanation.

I can't sit by another minute without Riele avoiding me.

It took a while for me to get out of my room to come up with words.

I approach to her door and knock lightly.

She opens the door with her outfit still on from the party and tears running down her face.

I just hug her.

I hug her tightly and let her cry into my shoulder.

She pulls away and calms down.

"I'm so sorry Jace. I'm so sorry. I want to be with you too, but I don't want to ruin our friendship like we did. " she says.

I wipe the tears from her eyes.

"Nothing is ruining us more than us avoiding each other. If we want to be together, then we should be together." I say holding her cheek.

She nods her head slightly.

"Promise me one thing Jace, if we're together and we decide to break up we still have to be the best of friends" she says.

"Of course, I promise with all my heart" I say.

We both smile.

We hug again and it feels like it lasts forever.

"Goodnight" I say kissing her on the forehead.

"Goodnight" she says with a smile.

I exit her room with a huge smile on my face.

The girl I love I'm finally with.

But does she love me back?

Riele's POV- Finally.

No more games.

No more awkwardness.

We're finally together.

I smile as I sit  in bed and my phone buzzes

It was a text... from Blake.

Blake: Goodnight my princess💗

Ugh, I hate to hurt him but I had to break up with him right now.

Riele: We have to talk...

Blake: About what babe?

Riele: Us...

Blake: ??

Riele: We have to break up.

Blake: Why?

Riele: ... I have feelings for someone else.

Blake: Okay. I want you to be happy, and if breaking up with me makes you happy then I'm down for it.

Riele: Are you sure?

Blake: Of course.

Riele: Friends?

Blake: Best friends.😌

Riele: Sounds great!!💗💗

Blake: 😋! And Riele, you'll always be special to me.❤

Riele: Thank you B💙 You too. Goodnight.

Blake: Goodnight💗

I lock my phone and lay down.

That went way better than I expected. He took it pretty well. I always knew Blake was a good guy.
Jace's POV- Before I went to bed I got a text from an unknown number.

Unknown: Listen you punk, stay away from Riele. You're the whole reason her and I broke up!

I knew exactly who it was, Blake.

Jace: Listen she chose me so don't get butthurt. And you can't tell me what to do. Don't ever text me again.

Blake: fine then, we'll just have to play dirty.

I block his number and put my phone down.

Wow what a dumb jerk.

I can't let that get to me. I have Riele now and no one can change that.

End of chapter!

Hope you enjoyed!

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More chapters coming soon!💙💙


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