When John turned around Alex cringed at the lashes engraved into his skin. Alex closed his laptop quietly and snuck up behind John, snaking his arms around his torso and hugging him tight. He felt John's body shake as he laughed at Alex's antics. John spun around in Alex's arms and leant down for a kiss. Alex pushed him up against the draws and stood on his tip toes, leaning into a soft kiss. As they kissed John spun them over so he was pressing Alex up against the wall. Alex's hands roamed John's body and just as John's kisses strayed away from Alex's lips, a firm knock echoed through their dorm room. The boys broke apart, Alex's hands still resting around John's neck.

"You get dressed, I'll answer it," Alex muttered sadly before pressing a quick kiss on John's cheek. John nodded and turned back to getting dressed, quickly pulling on an old pair of jeans and a tank top.
Alex swung the door open and scanned his eyes up to meet a man who was at least a head and a half taller than him. His eyes were cold, his expression stone faced and frankly quite menacing.

"Is this Jack's dorm?" The man asked formally, not meeting Alex's eyes.
"N-no, thi-" Alex began to reply before John came up behind him.
"D-dad?" He muttered. Alex stepped back in surprise, then horror, then anger. So this was the asshole that had inflicted those nasty scars on John's perfect skin.
"What are you doing here? I thou-" John began to ask before he was cut off.
"I came because you didn't. You were supposed to be at my office almost a week ago, I'm probably too late now." His Dad muttered.

"N-no." John stammered, stepping back and pushing on the dorm door to close it.
"Jack," his dad warned, stepping towards him, but Alex stepped in between.

"What's going on here," Alex ordered, swinging onto the balls of his feet to seem a tad bit taller than he was.
"Who is this?" His Dad asked John, ignoring Alex.
"Alexander Hamilton," John spoke up. "My room mate,"

Alex sat back onto his heels. Just a room mate huh?

"Just a room mate?" His dad growled, finally meeting Alex's eyes.
"Yes." John answered quickly, fixing his hair.
"You're lying." His Dad warned, seeing his son brush a hand through his hair and recognising it as his nervous tick.
"No, Dad, he's just my roo-" John tried to argue but his Dad pushed past Alex into the dorm.
"That's Henry to you, no son of mine- oh god, it is too late! You missed the meeting and now I've left it too late." Henry announced in horror. Alex was more confused than a football player at a beauty pageant.

"May I please have some time alone with Jack?" Henry ordered, less of a question. Alex glanced at John and saw the terrified glint in his large eyes.
"No. And his name is John." Alex spat, staying put. Before he could make another move Henry's fist had smashed across Alex's jaw and knocked him to the ground. Alex's hands and jaw burned from impact. John cried out and dove to Alex's aid. Alex groaned and shook his head, standing up again.
"Alex just go," John pleaded. "Dad, you can get back to what we missed last week, but don't lay another finger on Alex, he's done nothing wrong!" John roared, standing in front of Alex. His Dad sighed with a defeated shrug before opening his brief case and pulling out some kind of bible, unclipping his belt from around his waist soon after. Alex made connections quickly and as John tried to push him out, he pushed back.

"John Laurens, I am not leaving this room," Alex warned as John pushed him towards the door.
"Well you're not staying for this event." John sighed, winning little by little and inching Alex towards the door.
"John!" Alex yelped as the door grew closer.
"Alex please don't fight back," John pleaded, his eyes growing glossy with the slightest hint of tears that he desperately blinked back.
Alex was almost out the door and grew frantic.
"NO! NO! DON'T LET HIM-" Alex cried out as John finally shoved him out of the room.
"It will only take a second," John assured calmly, his eyes saying otherwise. Alex yelped as he was pushed into the hallway. The door slammed shut and Alex pounced against it.

"NO! NO! JOHN! LET ME THE FUCK IN!" Alex screamed, pounding on the door wildly. People in the dorms around him slowly began to peek out from their rooms. Alex fell back and slid down against the door, crying heavily. "WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU ALL LOOKING AT?" He yelled into the hallway. People slammed their doors shut quickly and Alex was left huddled against the door wracked with sobs. He heard Henry begin a quiet chant, a thud following as John dropped to his knees.
"STOP! PLEASE JOHN!" Alex cried into the door, slamming his fist against it weakly. He heard the first crack of the belt snapping against John's back. John groaned in pain and Alex winced, crying harder. He needed to get in there.

Alex jumped up and sprinted as fast as he could to the elevator, jumping in and leaping off at the next floor up. He skidded to a halt at room 1781 and began slamming his fists on the door.

Hercules answered the door with an expression of concern.
"Alex what i-" Hercules began to ask before Alex grabbed him by his shirt and tugged him out of the room.
"John! Hi-his Dad, he, I-" Alex panted in a distressed heap, running back to the elevator.
"Oh shit," Hercules muttered, running after Alex.

One and Only (LAMS)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें