chapter 1

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Living in L.A. you meet a lot of people, different types of people with different backgrounds, cultures and personalities. I'm the type of person who is defined as a bitch but it's because I'm brutally honest.

Still find it messed up that they call me a cold hearted bitch just because I'm honest.

I'm headed to class. First year of business school, it's stressful and very expensive. My mom and dad are barely able to pay for it.
I'm also barely paying for my apartment, which is why I had to get a roommate. It's not that bad since we're close but I'd like privacy. 

"Hey beautiful." I hear behind me and it's my friend Nick. Probably the only person who can stand my bluntness. He has beautiful eyes, curly hair and is moderately tall. 
He also has a little crush on me but I've already told him, I don't like him like that not for a long time. "Hi Nicky." I say and he places his arm around my shoulders.
"I've told you, I don't like being called Nicky. Makes me sound like I'm little." I laugh, "Because you are." I say and smirk.

We start talking while we head to our lecture, when I bump into someone. I drop my book and groan.
"Sorry darling." I hear a smooth voice and it just pisses me off more. I barely look at the man, as  he apologizes.
"Its fine!" I raise my voice and he hands my book baby. "I'm Jeremiah." He says and extends his hand. "Good for you. Now excuse me, I have a class to get to." I say and start walking away. The whole time, that guy has a smirk on his face.

"You could have been a little more nice, Em." I roll my eyes, "That dude hit me, I know it wasn't on purpose but it still hurt. Did you see the guy? He was tall and big." Nick chuckles and shakes his head.

We walk into our lecture class and our professor is sitting in his chair. I raise a brow because he's always up and writing on the chalkboard.

"Oh shit, we are having guest speakers today, I forgot." Nick says, reminding me. We sit three rows up, and towards the middle. "Okay, so today we have a guest speaker, also tomorrow so show up, if not then it's whatever. Today we have Mr. Olivera, he's a business owner. You might know his company, most business buildings are built by him and his company." I yawn.

"Here he is now." My professor says and I put my bag down. "Holy shit." I hear Nick whisper. "What?" I ask and look up, "Its the guy you bumped into." He whispers and I sigh.

Now that I look at him, he's good looking. He has a strong build, tall, a good face. He looks young, very young. If anything he can model. I wonder what made him become a business owner.

"Hello, everyone. My name is Jeremiah Olivera. I'm the CEO of Miah Industries. My business deals with trade, software but our specialty is architecture. That's my specialty." He says and his voice still smooth like before.

I guess I was thinking too much about his physical features, I didn't even notice before how narcissistic he is. Not necessarily narcissistic more like self centered and full of himself. Taking credit of what his workers did while he sat behind a desk.

He speaks for a while, explaining his company and what they do. How they also go on explorations to help the poor, enrichen areas of cities that are low income. At the end of his lecture he finally asks, "Do any of you have questions for me?" He fixes his tie and smiles. A blonde girl immediately shoots her arm up.  

"Yes, girl in the second row." I hear a girl giggle, "um...are you single??" She giggles along with her friends.
"Gross." I say a little too loud. "How is that gross?" He asks and smiles at me. "Because she's hitting on you. Instead of asking a real question while we actually have a successful business owner here; she can ask how can she succeed in this field when so many don't. Instead she sees you as a chance to get laid." I say and the girl scoffs.

"Could you ask a better question than her?" He asks and I smile. "What was your mission at the outset?" I ask and he chuckles, "Good question." He says and looks at me, "What's your name?" He asks and I cross my arms, "How does it matter? Can you just answer the question?" I raise an eyebrow. "I want to know your name so I can give you an internship at my company." I laugh, "I'm good but can you answer my question or do you need one of your employees to answer it? Also very presumptuous that you are asking a student who you don't know nothing about to accept an internship." Some people in my lecture class say 'ooohh.'

"I wanted to work with leading technology and build real-world enterprise software solutions. I have always been a leader and I am creative and take great satisfaction out of building things, software, my company and our architecture." He says and I nod and force a smile out.
"Anything else before you leave to your next class?" He asks and everyone stays silent.

He keeps looking at me and I can't help but smile. I look at Nick, "You sure know how to make a first impression." He says and kisses my cheek, "Second expression actually." I say and he rolls his eyes.

Soon our professor dismisses us and I walk up to Mr. Olivera. He looks at me and smirks, "Its Emilia." I say and grab his hand. "It was a pleasure to meet you, I hope to see you again." We shake hands. "That's entirely up to you." I whisper and he gets closer.

"I'll make it my mission to make sure I do." I smile and let go of his hand. I walk away from him and out the class.
Like always, Nick was waiting for me.
"What did you say to him?" Nick asks and I look at him.
"Just that he shouldn't let girls be hoes around him or they'll never succeed in life."
Nick laughs and my mind just travels back to his eyes.

How can I possibly like this ignorant man? Can I? Match made in heaven? We both are assholes. Mostly him.


It's the end of the day and Nick had to leave to work an hour ago so I'm headed to my car. I walk up to it and I notice something...something inside my car. Shit, I left the window open. Ah fuck, I can't afford to be stolen from right now.

I walk up to my car and open the door and laugh. It's a bouquet of roses, ahh they are white, my favorite. I throw my bag in the back seats and grab them. I take the card off.

'It was fun arguing with you, maybe over dinner we can argue some more. I love how different you are from every other person I have met
- J.O. '

I smile and laugh. "So what do you think??" I jump when I see him at my door. "I think you are hella extra and borderline stalker." I place them on the passengers seat. "Did you like them?" He asks, "I did surprisingly." I grin, "What about that dinner?" He asks and I laugh, "You want to go right now? I'm not dressed for a dinner." He shrugs, "My driver can take us to a store to buy you a dress before we go to dinner."

I open my mouth but nothing comes out. "I...couldn't...its too much." He shakes his head, "Not for you." I smile, "Okay. But pull any stupid shit and I will fight back. I have pepper spray. " I say and grab my purse.
"Dinner it is then." Jeremiah says as I lock my door and he walks me to his car.

This should be interesting.

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