Chapter Nine: The Plan

Start from the beginning

          “It’s an abbreviation. It stands for: You only live once.”

          “Nice,” I blurted, saying ‘nice’ was such a Josh move, I glared down at my shoes. Flipping my hair, I restated. “It suits you.”

          “I figured you’d say that.”

          “Am I that predictable?” I joked.

          “Your nothing close to predictable, Alana. You should have seen yourself taking down the guys. It was brilliant. Where’d you learn that?”

          “My dad signed me up for karate. In case things like this happen,” I explained.

          “Smart dad you have there.”

          “Thanks. Josh…” I paused, trying to figure out the right words. “When we were in the truck, you told me you were kidnapped before and that…” it was people who were upset at your family…I couldn’t get myself to say all that, when Josh’s eyes hardened.  “Never mind.”

          The corner of his lips twitched upward. “Don’t think too much on that. It was a moment of weakness, anything I say can’t be held liable.” He shrugged. “ It’s best not to listen to me.”

          I didn’t say anything. The reason being I didn’t want to sound like a fool or a wit in front of him. I exhaled. “I am sorry for yelling at you,” I muttered quietly.

          “No problem. I’m used to it.”

          “So if I were to yell at you right now, you wouldn’t care?”  My voice lightened a bit at my joke.

          “What’d I do?” He asked, alarmed by my question.

          “N-nothing it was just a—never mind.” I am socially-awkward. I mentally scowled myself at my lame joke telling skills.

          Silence distant us, and soon I found myself watching Josh’s sibling talking to the group of officers.  Eve eyes widened, and she nudged John.  John noticing her fear leant forward so she could whisper something in his ear. Then both of them stared at us.

          Was this a prank? Did Josh plan this from the beginning? My heart hammered in my chest. Was this all a joke? Please tell me it isn’t—wait I’d be a fool if this was a joke. Ugh! My head swarmed with theories as the crowd dismissed and Josh’s siblings approached us. They had a stern, neutral look plastered on their face.

          “How are you feeling, Alana?” Eve bobbed her head in my direction.

          “Good,” I squeaked, I cleared my throat. “Thanks for asking.” When they continued to stare at me, I began to blabber. “Nothing a good night’s sleep couldn’t fix. Since when you awake, you feel refreshed—not that it’s wrong not to feel refreshed or something. That is also completely normal,” I spoke fast. Slapping my cheek mildly with my hand, I smiled. “My mother will be back soon.”

          “That’s good.”

          “Though it won’t matter since you’ll be staying here for a while,” John muttered.

          “What do you mean? The cops said we can leave.”

          “He means that the criminals are still running and you might be endangered,” Eve explained. John excused himself and went into the office, leaving the three of us.

          Josh groaned inwardly, and covered his face with his hands. “This is impossible.” Removing his hands, he stood up.

          “Where are you going?”

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