Sodapop Imagine

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This was requested by @theoutsiders8675309

"Thanks for dinner mom" I said while eating my pasta.

"Your welcome" she said while getting up from her seat and leaving to the door. "Hey, I'm gonna go out, if you plan on going out, be back by 11:40 at the latest" she stated while walking out the door and locking it. I sadly sighed, she does this almost every night. She always goes out to clubbing or so and comes back either tipsy or drunk, she's never sober. She's not the violent type when she's drunk, it's just she yells at me for stupid shit I didn't even do. Then in the morning she wakes up from a huge hangover and doesn't remember a thing. So she is her happy self again. I don't want to bring it up because she might get upset at me. I let a few tears roll down my cheek as I ate my food. After I got done I put my plate in the sink and turned on the tv.


I guess I lost track of time because I was still watching tv and my mom came stumbling through the door. Uh oh....I hope this time she's just tipsy.

"LEAH!" She yelled. Nope...she's not tipsy tonight. I tightly closed my eyes and waited for another lecture. "GET YOUR ASS OVER HERE NOW!" I slowly got up from the couch and walked over to her. She had a bottle of champagne in her hand and she reeked of alcohol.

"Yes mom?" I asked trying to sound casual. She glared daggers at me, she took another sip of her bottle. "I thought I told you to go to bed at 11!" She yelled walking closer to me.

"I'm..sorry mom...I thought-"

"YOU THOUGHT! YOU THINK! YOU DONT EVER THINK! YOU NEVER DO ANYTHING RIGHT! WHY DO I EVEN HAVE YOU!? THINGS WOULD BE BETTER IF YOU WERE GONE!" I let the tears roll down my cheeks silently. I sobbed and covered my face. "GO TO YOUR ROOM, NOW!" I ran to my room and slammed my door. I started to cry and sob, I wish dad was still alive. Back then, everything was good and happy go lucky. My dad and mom would get along great and nobody would get drunk almost every night and yell at one another. We would all go to bed happy and wake up the next morning feeling good. But dad died getting shot by a soc guy who had no idea what he was doing. Ever since my mom just shut down and went clubbing almost every night she'd get the chance.


I wondered if Soda would be up at this time? I got a light sweater and put on some pajama shorts, I unlocked my window and sneaked out. I arrived at the Curtis house and lightly knocked on Soda's bedroom window so he only knows it's me. He opened to window looking tired, I felt bad that I woke him up.

"Hey, Leah? What ya doin up so late?" He asked in a raspy voice. I shivered from the cold breeze pinching my exposed legs.

"Can I vent out to you? Please?" I asked feeling sad at the moment. His face kind of woke up from my tone of voice. He nodded and quietly sneaked out the window and closing it so he doesn't wake up Ponyboy. We walked over to the lot and I talked to him about what had happened earlier. Being the good best friend he is, he comforted me. And not to make it all about myself I asked how is day was, he always made me feel better.


The next morning I woke up in my bed feeling better than what I did before. I felt better now that I talked to Soda, I love Soda. Wait! Did I just say that? anyway....
I got out of bed and changed into some shorts and a tshirt. I walked into the kitchen and my mom was right there, eating cereal. She smiled.

"Good morning Leah! Did you sleep well?" I faked a smile and nodded.

"Yeah! I did thanks for asking!" I went into the fridge and poured myself a glass of milk.


I decided that today I should go visit Soda at work, tell him thank you for last night. I told my mom where I was going and started that way. I walked into the gas station and he was at the register.

"Hey! Soda!" I exclaimed walking up to him.

"Leah!" He ran to me giving me a hug. I laughed. Steve walked in from the back.

"Hey Leah" he waved, I waved back.


I didn't really feel like going home so I just stayed at work with the boys. I helped out a little with the register and with girls that Soda didn't want to be there. After their shift was over Steve had already gone home.

"Hey can I walk you home?" Soda asked putting an arm around me. I blushed and nodded my head. He smiled and we started that way.

"Leah? Can I ask you something?" He looked at me. I said yeah. " you wanna be my girlfriend?" My eyes widened, he wanted to be MY boyfriend when he could have all the girls in the world. I grabbed the side of his face and planted a kiss on his lips. I guess that caught him off guard because he seemed shocked the first time, after he just smiled and wrapped me into a hug.

"I'm guessing that's a yes?" He smiled, already knowing the answer.

"Nope" I said blankly. His smile ceased. I just laughed and kissed him again.

"I'm just kidding Soda! Of course I'll be your girlfriend!" I wrapped my arms around his neck while embracing him.

"You had me worried there for a sec" Soda laughed and returned my hug. He walked me the rest of the way home and the next day we hung out.

This was for you Leah! Hope you liked it!❤️❤️💕💕🍫🍫

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