The past 3 weeks

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In the past three weeks I have been on vacation. The first week was an activity week for my school, so I went to Copenhagen with my entire class. It was fun and I spent a lot of quality time with my boyfriend, but the past two weeks were more fun.

The past two weeks I have been at sail camp in Heeg, a place in Vriesland, the Netherlands. The name of the camp is the Bird and I'm advertising because that camp is a place that I almost see as a second home. These past two weeks were my fourth and fifth week there and I can say with absolute certainty that I absolutely love it there. These were my two weeks.

Week 1:
I was sleeping in a room with five other girls, but three girl from the room next to ours joined ours and we made their rooms into our walk-in-closet.
I sailed in a boat called a valk, which is a type of boat that is extremely hard to capsize. In this same week a different valk did capsize. A lot of girls from my room would sneak into other people's rooms so they could chat with the after our bedtime, 11:30. I felt a bit sick for most of the week, so I simply slept the right amount of time, but did still sail.
There were about 40 kids there.
These were the girl in my room:
Sacha, in my boat
Femke, in my boat
Sofie, in my boat
Nienke, in my boat
Julia, Sacha's sister

Week 2:
This week is still fresher in my mind so I will be able to tell you more about it.
There were about 13 kids there, which is really, really little. If you go there in the summer, there are about 150 kids there.

There was:
Elsa, me!!!
Lynn, in my room/boat
Annemijn, in my room
Marije, in my room
Mauree, in my room
Hugo, in my boat
Christiaan, in my boat
Lucas, in my boat
Maxime, girl that thought I was amazing
Puck, Maxime's friend
Josh, sat at my table
Daniel, sat at my table
Stijn, sat at my table
Marijn, instructor
Wick, instructor
Floris, head instructor
Sander, instructor
Anouk, instructor
Erwin, owner

In the boat I hung out the mist with Hugo, we teased each other continuously, he was fifteen years old and we were going for the same level. Hugo, Lynn and I followed theory for a level above ours, because we thought it would be fun, which it was. While we were on land I mostly hung out with Lynn. Maxime was a little girl, even though she was 11. She kept on hugging me and trying to put after sun on my face.

Now on to now.

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