
1.1K 106 44

- If you decide to participate in this contest in any way you must read every chapter up to and including the Winners chapter

- no explicit sexual content allowed in any of the entries. If you have submitted it to me I can't accept it. I actually am checking the books.

- the password will be listed on one of the required chapters. Just to make sure you read all the things you need to know. Once you know it (and follow all the rules) you can enter! 😀
__ If you don't have the password your entry will be ignored__

- no lgbtq+ books. I am very sorry if this offends you and I really don't want to make you feel excluded but there are many judges and audiences that are offended by this and I really just want this to be a peaceful competition.

- It is fine to have lgbtq characters but the main plot of the story cannot be circulating around that.

- You need to follow this account. This I added recently so if you entered before I updated this and haven't seen it until now (or aren't even reading this) then your entry was accepted. But no new entries are accepted if you haven't done this.

- story must be in English. If you mostly write books In say, Spanish, you are still allowed to enter a book you wrote in English.

- you are encouraged to tag your book with the tag #targetuncover to spread the word

- you can enter up to two works

- 24 books per genre maximum (this might change)

- No books with more than 15K reads

- No books that have been thirty (30)or higher in any category
- No one with more than or equal to 25K followers can enter a work

- If you enter you must add this book to your library up get notifications! 🙃

- No more entries allowed after July 7 (this also might change)

- Absolutely NO hating on ANYONE about ANYTHING
- if you have an opinion, suggest it to them in a nice manner.

- You cannot judge the category you have entered in.

- Your book must have at least one published chapter other than the author's note. [Its recommended to have more than one because "plot" in the criteria for most genres is 30 points.]

Best UNDISCOVERED Book AwardsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz