8) Different In A Similar Way

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"Strength lies in differences, not in similarities."
- Stephen Covey


Chicago, Illinois

Cahill residence

Jenkins paced about the room with arms crossed and a deep frown.

"He must've said something!" A man in his late thirties exclaimed from his seat and the a few others turned to look at him.

"Gentlemen." Jenkins spoke politely to catch their attention. "Mr Cahill will shortly arrive and inform us with the purpose of this sudden summoning. Please be patient."

"What's going on?" A little boy whispered to Kathy as he helped her serve water to the men present in the room.

"Hush, Alex. Don't speak and hurry up." Kathy whispered back.

"It is 6 AM." Another man stated.

"And that's a mercy."

Everyone turned around as Levi walked into the room with a small confident smile.

"Because what I mean to tell you, gentlemen, is.. well, incredibly important. So I think a 6 AM call isn't that harsh, is it, Mr Lee?" He questioned the same man who complained earlier.

Mr Lee quietly shook his head.

"Wonderful. Well then, let's get straight to it." Levi said as he made his way towards the head seat of the council.

Jenkins followed and sat down nearest to Levi.

Levi glanced at Alex as he offered him a glass of water but didn't say anything. Alex quickly rushed back towards Kathy as Levi's eyes followed him and landed on Kathy, who offered him a smile.

Levi smiled and looked away. Clearing his throat and thoughts, he began, "Last night, when I was travelling, I sensed something wrong.."


Meanwhile in Los Angeles, California

John and Bella Lauder's house


"Yes." John sighed.

"What could've possibly killed Aradia?" Bella frantically asked.

"Nothing that I know of is powerful enough."

Bella scoffed. "Does it mean something more powerful than Aradia is here?"

"She's centuries old, Bella. Dark magic so powerful that she could revive herself on her own and I wouldn't be surprised." John replied. "Something else is the matter. It's not as straight as it seems."

"But why suddenly?"

"The Angel said it happened at that time. All the Walkers travelling at that time felt something wrong, but the Angels are trying to keep humans out of it."

"Because they think it's their task now?"

John nodded. "They believe it's been taken too far. Aradia is raising hell over there. Balances are being disturbed."

"Why did the Angel tell you if not everyone else?"

"So I could tell my people to back away."

Bella's mind went to Alyssa. "We need to call Alyssa."

John walked over to the window and stared out. "We were meant to provide protection, not have protection."

"If Angels say we do, we do. End of story." Bella said as he dialed Alyssa's number.

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