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Liam POV

I haven't been back to the gym since meeting Louis and having sex with Zayn but I'm in desperate need of a work out. I get these sorts of cravings that other people would have for food except I get them for a heavy work out session. I don't know why I've been a pussy though and not gone back to the gym, I guess I'm just nervous about possibly bumping into Zayn again but I'll have to face him eventually.

I still can't seem to get Louis off my mind though so I'm going to take this opportunity to text him and ask if he wants to join me at the gym. Then maybe depending on how well we get along today I think I'm going to ask him out on a real date. I'm not even sure if he's gay or bi but it's worth a try; I mean what can I lose. I've already slept with Zayn in the wet room and when Louis and I hung out last time at the gym we seemed to get on well. I pulled out my phone from my jean pocket and pulled up Louis' contact and clicked message.

To Louis

Hey mate its Liam I'm thinking about going to the gym in about an hour if you wanted to come along? I'm in need of a good work out and may possibly need a spotter, will return the favour if you need it. Text back let me know. Liam x

I slipped my phone back in my pocket and made my way into the kitchen to make up a protein shake. I don't really like the taste of these things but it helps with the weight loss and muscle building. Once I made the shake I shook it up and took a mouthful just as my phone buzzed in my pocket. I reached into my pocket and pulled out my phone reading the new message flashing on the screen.

From Louis

Hey Li yeah I'm up for going gym. I haven't been since I met you there last time. I need to relieve so stress so a workout sounds perfect right now. Meet you there in half hour? Louis x

Ok so he put a kiss at the end so even if he's not gay he's clearly not homophobic or anything like that which is good. I quickly text back agreeing to meet him at the gym in half hour and then set my phone back in my pocket then continued to drink my shake.

I finished my shake and set the empty bottle in the sink before grabbing my keys and gym bag on the way out the door. It's a good 10 minute walk to the gym so it's a good job I have my music to listen to on the way. I should really get my licence but then again walking is good exercise it's just not good when it's cold out.  

When I reached the gym Louis was already there waiting outside for me but he had a friend with him. I smiled and waved as I approached but to my surprise Louis grabbed me and pulled me in for a hug. Unexpected but good, it's a good sign. He could be gay or he could just be overly friendly.

"Alright Li how you been?" Louis asked me as I opened the door for us to enter the gym.

"I've been alright cheers mate, how about you?" I replied as I followed him inside and through to the changing rooms with his friend close behind us.

"Eh so so but I'm ok. This is my roommate Harry by the way." He explained as we reached the lockers.

"Ah fair enough, if you want to talk I'm here for you mate. Hi Harry." I told him as I pulled off my shirt and placed on my tank top.

"Cheers." Louis replied doing the same.

We both changed into our gym clothes consisting of a tank top each and some shorts before heading to the gym equipment in the other room, he's friend Harry went in a different direction leaving us alone thankfully. As we passed the wet room though I couldn't help but remember the events that happened between Zayn and I. It's not that I regret it I just kind of feel bad that the whole time I was picturing it was Louis, that's wrong right?

"What first?" I asked Louis trying to take my mind off the naughty things that happened last time I was here.

"How about some weights? Then I wanna have a run on the treadmill." Louis suggested and I nodded heading over to the weight bar.

Louis sat down first taking a good grip on the bar while I stood behind the bench ready to help if it was needed. I watched as he lifted rep by rep flexing those bulging bicep muscles. His arms are huge and by the sounds of what he's told me he doesn't even work out that often. In a way I am kind of jealous of how big his biceps are but at the same time I'd love for them to be wrapped around my waist holding me close to him. I watched on as Louis continued doing the weights until he was finished and it was my turn. He got up from the seat and exchanged places with me so he was now stood above me while I took my grip on the bar.

I pushed my arms up and lifted the bar feeling the weight for the first time in a while. Whilst lifting the weight bar I looked up to catch Louis looking down at me with a glint of something in his eye. I'm not sure what it was but I kept eye contact as I continued to lift the weights doing my set of reps. Coming up with a plan to see if he could possibly like me I pretended to struggle with my last rep, I let out puffs of air as I 'struggled' to lift the bar back up onto the holder. Louis quickly sprung into action and grabbed the bar helping me lift it into position.

"You alright there mate?" He asked as we both let go and I sat up.

"Yeah, that last rep took the wind out of me." I lied and he smiled.

"It's no problem; it's what a spotter is for."

Louis and I then made our way over to the treadmills. We both climbed on the free ones and started them up into a slow jog. Soon enough we were both working up a sweat. I kept stealing glances in Louis direction watching as the beads of sweat dripped from his forehead. He really is gorgeous and I have come to the conclusion that I will ask him out once we've finished our workout.

That time came around pretty quickly and after we'd both showered and changed back into our normal clothes Louis and I made our way out the building and onto the street. I saw he was about to walk in the opposite direction to me so quickly stopped him.

"Hey Lou I was wondering if I could ask you something?"

"You just did!" he laughed but then encouraged me to continue.

"Well I don't know your preference or anything and I'm sorry if this freaks you out but I was wondering if you wanted to go out with me, like on a date?" I said a little nervous.

"Wow I wasn't expecting that. Well as for my preference I am gay and the answer to your question. I would love to go on a date with you." he smiled and I couldn't help but smile back, he said yes!

"OK cool well I will text you later with the details. Bye!"

As Louis walked away I had to take a peak back at that perfect ass of his. Walking and not looking where you're going though didn't turn out to be a good idea though as I bumped straight into someone.

"Oh sorry!" I apologised only to look up and see Zayn standing in front of me. "Oh hey Zayn."

"Liam, you ok? How you been?" he asked and I gave him my best smile.

"Yeah I've been good. Look I'm sorry I bolted out the other day I was a little shocked by everything that happened. Could we maybe forget about all that and just be friends?" I asked and I'd be lying if I said he didn't look a little sad.

"Yeah sure that's fine!" he replied and then just walked away and into the gym.

Ok so now I feel bad, but on the upside I have a date with Louis to plan!

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